Locusts and Wild Honey

Somethings Happening When You Sleep

Center of the Universe Discovered and What Holds It Together

Life Series Part Five Dominant Victory

The Kings of the Bible Debunk Skeptics

Lest He Reprove Thee, And Thou Be Found A Liar

Opening the door of Truth And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free

Open Gods Gates of Plenty (Jacob Leads the Way)

The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part IV)

Y Chromosome Adamand Gods Children Are Already There

The Legal Mechanism and Pandemics Part II

3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Unlock Holy Ghost Pharmacy — Its Real!


Undeniable ProofEvery Jot & Every Tittle (XIX)

4 And the same John had his raiment of camels hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey.

Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences and the Skeptics

POWER PAGE — Knock Out Rough Situations!

Words of Amazement Words We Must Master

Happiness And Psychology Knocking On The Door

Excavators Find 20,000 Babies in Jars

The Mold Epidemic and Gods Perfect Prescription

Science Seeks 4th Dimension and the Children Are Already There

QandA, Sinners Prayer, Jesus the Carpenter, Advertising and the Bible

One Long Missing Day and the Cry of the Skeptics

Sky Water, Immortality, Plus 1,000 Years and 120 Years

Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God (Part II)

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Words Are Like Seeds: When Planted, They Will Bear Fruit (Part 1)

Evolution Challenged by Unchangeable Truth

Is America a Christian Nation (Part Four)?

Nyerges, C., Guide to Wild Foods & Useful Plants,Chicago Review Press, 1999

The Deceivableness of Unrighteousness and 6,000 Years

Black Plague Leveled by Leviticus–And Here It Is Again!

Why Amish Are Immune to Allergies and Asthma

Big Bang Just Another Chicken-Lizard

Brother John ate locusts and the gold standard of foodwildhoney. You can be sure that Godsrecommendationsare always correct. He knows, for He designed and created all things.

Evolutions Elephant in the Living Room (Part Two)

Sin and Sickness Connected at the Hip

Science Illuminated by Light and Words

Satans Champions Have Gone to the Dogs

What God Said About Bi-Racial Marriages

Breaking News — Honey, Breast-Feeding, Circumcision, Pork

Where Are the Inspired Truths of Genesis?

Stealth Attack-Land and Its Sabbath – Honeybees

Split Down the Middle and Choosing Sides

You Will Not Believe What They Discovered

Could You Possess the Worlds Greatest Treasure?

Homosexuality: Born That WayStay That Way IIIPlenty of Shame

If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of Your Life

Over 500 years before John, the son of Zacharias, better known as John the Baptist, was born, the prophet Isaiah supernaturally foretold his coming. The purpose of his coming was to prepare the way of the LORD. John wore a leather girdle and clothing of camels hair. The mainstays of his diet were locusts and wild honey. He played an integral part in the plan of salvation.

Neurological Realities of Speaking in Tongues

Hell and Crime Rates Shock Researchers

Scientists Study Speaking In Tongues

The Global FloodDare to Challenge

Darwins Whale Returns with Mouth Wide Open

The Amazing Word of God — Updates — Circumcision, Pigs, Church, Breast-Feeding

Prelude to Information Evolutions Elephant in the Living Room

Irrelevant Challenges GodSaidManSaid

Atheists Do Not Exist! Man is Genetically Hardwired for Faith!

Christmas — Can You Believe It Series

WB Asks How Can A Loving God Destroy Billions? You Will Be Shocked By The Answe…

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Spiritual/Physical Connectivity and the Olive Tree

Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time, Part Three, Harnessing the Supernat…

Mans Ever-Changing Truth: Big Bang Becomes Big Bounce

The Difference Between Clean and Unclean

Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years Series

Man Changes Gods Words and Becomes A Liar

5 Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan,

The Miracle Greater Than the Creation of the Universe Part II

Living Proof Knocks Atheists on their Ears

Division and DevilsChrist vs. Anti-Christ

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot & Every Tittle (XVII)

People Are Eating from the Tree of Life For Real!

MAN SAID: John the Baptist never existed. The idea of a Holy, omnipotent God who tells the end from the beginning is ridiculous! The concept of the basic diet of John the Baptist, which was locusts and wild honey, is ludicrous!

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (XIV)

Gordon Challenges Erasmus and King James

Five of the First Great Miracles in My Life

Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time Series

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle Series

Wisdom Teeth What They Didnt Tell You

The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything Part II

Two Adams: An Amazing Story (Part II)

1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea,

Choose Jesus Christ and live. If you havent surrendered your life to Christ, click onto Further With Jesus for childlike instructions and immediate entry into the Kingdom of God.NOW FOR TODAYS SUBJECT.

A Synchronized Wave of Death — Part Two

Life Series Part Three A Blessable Place

Nocebo–Deadly in So Many Ways! How to Turn It Around Immediately

3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Science And Hearing The Voice of God

QandA, Between Crucifixion and Resurrection, Evil In the World, the Virgin Mary

Mothers Breast Milk a Miracle Elixir

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (XI)

Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God Series

Fire Breathing Dragons and Fiery Flying Serpents

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot & Every Tittle (XX)

Devil Possession & How to be Set Free (Part 2How Satan Possesses and The…

Strange and Peculiar Groupings of Words and Your Life Light

Death: Is It Possible to Rid Oneself of Its Dread?

(A Re-Release) Harnessing Words, Light, and Health

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (XII)

The Grand Canyon Is It Just Over 6,000 Years Old?

John the Baptist ate locusts just as many Asians also did then and still do today. Locusts are prepared by many by being slightly roasted, dried in the sun, and then salted. When eaten, the wings, legs, and head are removed; when the head is removed, the intestines come out with it. The part left is the fleshy portion. Locusts are a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals.

Six Thousand-Year-Old Earth Proven Again

US Colleges New Mental Institutions

Biomimicry — Part 2 (The Truth Men Refuse to See)

5 Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan,

Satans Minions Chip Away (Because Thats What Satans Minions Do)

The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part VI)

Immortality Keeps on Knocking – Part 2 (It Happened on the Inside)

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (I)

Immortality Keeps on Knocking – Part 1

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot & Every Tittle (XVIII)

The Truth Remains True Pigs Lots Wife Flush It

God Said Give and the Perfect Interface

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Things We Know to be True: Scientific American Challenges God (Part 1)

The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything

Everything is Ours as the Children of GodEverything

Speaking To and Getting Measurable Results From the Extraterrestrial Par…

Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God

Deadly Artificial Sweeteners vs. Gods Honey

It Is Just Pure Chance (If the Discoveries of Life Seem to Endorse Gods Word)

The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything Series

Seven Pillars and Strange and Peculiar Groupings of Words

The Matrix: They Always End Up Here

QandA: Pornography, General Sin, Protection

They Pierced My Hands and Feet and the Jewish Rabbi

Evolution is Dead — They Just Forgot to Bury the Corpse

DC Questions the Bible, King James, and Columbus

The Legal Mechanism and Pandemics Series

Why Is The Black Man Black and White Man White?

Things We Know to be True: Scientific American Challenges God (Part 2)

Swine The Other White Meat (Update)

They Look up to the Heavens by: Vincent Rondenelli

–More God Said Man Said Articles–

The Thumb Print of God The Day My Sister Died

In Vitro Fertilization, Surrogacy, Adoption

Marriage Counseling (Part 2 – All the Information Youll Need to Know)

Marriage Counseling (Part 3 – All the Information Youll Need to Know)

More Life-Enhancing Information Pours In!

QandA: Was Jesus Biologically Human? Was Jesus in Hell? The Difference Between …

Six Thousand Years From Adam Til Today

The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part III)

God speaks to the children of Israel inDeuteronomy 30:19, as He speaks to all those in the world today:

The idea of eating locusts or grasshoppers is repulsive to many, but keep in mind that most think nothing of eating a cow or a chickens flesh. Its really a matter of mind-set. In ancient Greece and Rome, fried locusts, cicadas, and grasshoppers were considered a delicacy superior to the best meat or fish.

QandA: Good Stewardship, Fishers of Men, Backsliding, Gods Forgiveness, Feeling…

The Legal Mechanism and Pandemics Part III

QandA: Those Who Never Heard, Noahs Insects

Let Not The Sun Go Down Upon Your Wrath

Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years Part One

Peking Man Is Not Who They Say He Is

The Amazing Power of Going to Church

Gods Brain and Harnessing the Placebo

Homosexuality: Born That WayStay That Way IVBreaking Satans Hold

The Wages of Sin Part Three

Zircons and Deceivableness of Unrighteousness

Welcome to! We are so glad youve come. If you have comments or questions pleasecontact uswe would love to hear from you.

Is Earth the Center of the Universe?

Devil Possession and How to be Set Free (Part 1)

Fasting and Prayer–The Power that Breaks the Yoke

More Weird and Wonderful Discoveries

Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God (Part III)

Men and Women A Matter of Design

Ive stated many times, and of necessity it bears repeating, that all of Gods commandments have inherent within them a blessing or a cursing. To say it another way, Gods commandments have inherent within them life or death. We choose on a daily basislife or death. Gods only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, said inJohn 14:6:

The Nostrils, The Angels, Talking to Extraterrestrials, and the Miracle of the G…

Do you have any content that you feel would be ideal for a topic on ? Become a partner with us to further the truth of Gods Word!Submit Your Research

Starlight and the Age of the Universe

Things We Know to be True: Scientific American Challenges God (Part 4)

Christmas — Can You Believe It — Part Two

Life Series Part Four – Learning To Talk (Session Two)

Sexual Perversion: An Unclean Spirit

QandA: Salvation, Fortunetellers, Mind Reading, Body of Christ

Another One Bites the Dust: Cousin Neo

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (VI)

The One Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand of Sennacherib

Murmuring, Complaining, Griping and the Curse

Secrets and Demonstrations of Power-Speaking

Male Circumcision, A Living Commandment: When Thou Wast in Thy Blood

Another Way and the Rapture of the Nerds

Its Not What Goes In But What Comes Out That Defiles

Grudges vs. ForgivenessDeath vs. Life

The Theory of Everything Reading the Mind of God

Flying Reptiles — From Dino to the Hummingbird

Alcohol and Christians (Part Three)

Homosexuality: Born That Way — Stay That Way?

Psychology, Godliness, and Dredging

Now, some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herods army came from God, and that very justly, as a punishment of what he did against John, that was called theBaptist;for Herod slew him, who was a good man, and commanded the Jews to exercise virtue, both as to righteousness towards one another, and piety towards God, and so to come to baptism; for that the washing [with water] would be acceptable to him, if they made use of it, not in order to the putting away, [or the remission] of some sins [only], but for the purification of the body: supposing still that the soul was thoroughly purified beforehand by righteousness. Now, when [many] others came to crowd about him, for they were greatly moved [or pleased] by hearing his words, Herod, who feared lest the great influence John had over the people might put it into his power and inclination to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready to do anything he should advise,) thought it best, by putting him to death, to prevent any mischief he might cause, and not bring himself into difficulties, by sparing a man who might make him repent of it when it should be too late. Accordingly he was sent a prisoner, out of Herods suspicious temper, to Macherous, the castle I before mentioned, and was there put to death. Now the Jews had an opinion that the destruction of this army was sent as a punishment upon Herod, and a mark of Gods displeasure against him.

A Crisis in PhysicsBut Not at Gods House

Miss H. Makes Second Greatest Decision

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.

The Mystery of a Body Filled With Light (Part 2)

Immortality Keeps on Knocking – Part 3 (It Happened on the Outside)

2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Milk Man Leads The World Astray, Again

Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time Part Two Setting the Table

911 Average Years and The Egyptian Reigns

Circumcision III, Why Do They Still Resist?

The Minimalists Attacking Moses Are Minimalized

The Airplanes That Defied Modern Ice Core Dating

120: They Just Cant Help Themselves

Speaking To and Getting Measurable Results From the Extraterrestrial Par…

Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time Part One Brains and Words

Concerning locusts, God said inLeviticus 11:21-22:

Davis, J.D., Davis Dictionary of the Bible

Genetic Biology and 6,000 Years Again

Abortion — Part Two — Its Deadly Fruits

One of Years Top Science Stories Says Yes!

Unlock and Develop Gods Brain Power

Psalm 14:1: The Fool Hath Said in His Heart, There is No God

The Beast of Obesity and Gods Solution

Wisdom, Knowledge, Words Create MatterAbsolutely Shocking, but True!

Is America A Christian Nation? Part Two

A Synchronized Wave of Death — Part One

The Wages of Sin Part Four Conclusion

Harnessing Words, Light, and Health

Dangerous Devolution at the Door II

Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years Part Two

21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth;

Meditation, Prayer, Church, and Words Make Big News, Again!

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Series

The Spark of Life: A Strange Grouping of Words

Mitochondrial DNA and a Young First Man and First Woman

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (VII)

The Evo God Gives All the Wrong Answers

6 And were baptised of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.

Two Adams: An Amazing Story (Everything That We Experience Sits in Between the T…

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (IX)

Pigs Deadly as CigarettesAnd a Whole Lot More!

Margarine and Nutritional Armageddon

Triceratops and More Soft Tissue Shout YES to Young Earth

Staggeringly Literal Clean Hands, Pure Hearts, and Darkness

Foolishness Built Upon Foolishness Equals Nothing

Homosexuality: Born That Way — Stay That Way II — Choices Are Being Made

Is America A Christian Nation? Part Three

Life Series Part Two Who Am I?

The Invisible Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heavens Door

The Truth Shall Set You Free and Marshmallows

You Can Run but You Cant Hide: The Global Flood

6 And were baptised of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.

Harnessing Word Power and Editing DNA

The Mystery of Why They End Up Here

Ezekiels Complete ProteinA 2,500-Year-Old Recipe

If you have considered the evidence, take the next step:Choose Christ

Science Forced to Reverse PositionAgain!

Believe or Be Damned: Is This the Message of the God of Love?

Howard Questions Faith Proof and Purpose

New Research Says: Let Not the Sun Go Down Upon Your Wrath

If Deep Passions Exist, Men Will Challenge 2+2 = 4

QandA: The Woman in Revelation 12, Cigarettes, Missing Day

Pergamos Where Satan Dwelleth

When Facts Replace Theory: The Neanderthal Next Door

Entropy and Times Arrow (They Always End Up Here)

When you take into consideration that the God of the Bible created everything, it should come as no surprise that He can define each part of creations benefit and purpose. Only a supernatural Creator could know the intrinsic workingsthe secrets, the purpose, the fitability of all thingsjust another proof of our God.

Things We Know to be True: Scientific American Challenges God Series

The Land, Its Sabbath, and Your Table

The Evidence Says God Over and Over and Over Again

Literal Interpretation StandsAll Creation Sings!

Now THE RECORD. Weve spent much time establishing thehistoricityof Jesus Christ. In regard to the record of secular history concerning Jesus Christ, and those around Him such as John the Baptist, there is much to tell. The famed Jewish historian Josephus, for one, had this to say:

Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XLII)Another Way, Part 3

Update Vestigial Organs and Circumcision

Split the Baby in Half and Grey Matter During Pregnancy

Jesus and Politics Should I Vote?

Kiss Those Panic Attacks Good-Bye Series

Human Body Designed to be Possessed

Kiss Those Panic Attacks Good-Bye (Part Two)

Immortality Keeps on Knocking – Part 4 (Immortality Returns)

Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years Part Three

Marvin Dinosaurs and Fossils

A Synchronized Wave of Death Series

2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

We Will Kill Leona When She Gets Homeso the Devils Said

Go To Church: Live LongerEven Forever

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Kiss Those Panic Attacks Good-Bye (Part One)

The Miracle Greater Than the Creation of the Universe Series

I Am Trying To Find A Church Out Here!

The Worlds Great Minds On The Bible

MAN SAID: John the Baptist never existed. The idea of a Holy, omnipotent God who tells the end from the beginning is ridiculous! The concept of the basic diet of John the Baptist, which was locusts and wild honey, is ludicrous!

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (XIII)

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (VIII)

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (III)

QandA: Homosexuality, Family Dining, Modern Prophets, GSMS

Sciences Plan To Escape Universes End

G.P. Incest and Homosexuality

Hauntings, Dead Spirits, and Ghosts

The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part V)

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (X)

Life Series Part Four Learning To Talk (Session One)

The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part II)

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot & Every Tittle (XVI)

Leaves for the Healing of the Nations

Did God Give Wrong Formula For Computing Circumference?

Seeking Another Way (Lines are Clearly Drawn)

You Choose: The Image of God vs. Amoeba Dung

QandA: Should a Christian Take Up Arms?

Evolutionists Continue to Flounder, But They Soldier On

The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything — Part III

Tree of Life Found: The Master Saith Come and Dine

22 Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind.

When God Builds a Nation (Part 2 – It is the Morality, Stupid)

Round Earth and Christopher Columbus

QandA: Bastardy, Languages, Babel, Dragons

110,000,000 Americans with STDs But It Didnt Have to be That Way!

The Invisible God and His Invisible Kingdom

JP Brings His Argument To GodSaidManSaid

The War on ScienceIts Not What You Think

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (XV)

Science Flummoxed by What Was Found in Female Brains

Immortality Keeps on Knocking Series

The Wages of Sin Prepare To Be Shocked

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (IV)

Marriage Counseling (Part 1 – All the Information Youll Ever Need)

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (II)

Evolution Continues to Collapse — Now What?

New Discoveries Debunk One of the Last Vestigials

Adam and Eve, Mutations and Devolution

Satans Champions Inadvertently Certify Holy Writ

4 And the same John had his raiment of camels hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey.

Life Series Part One — Who Is God?

Undeniable ProofEvery Jot and Every Tittle (V)

Lies and Deceptions, the Adamic Way

Things We Know to be True: Scientific American Challenges God (Part 3)

Wicked Thoughts and How to Deal with Them

The idea of eating locusts or grasshoppers is repulsive to many, but keep in mind that most think nothing of eating a cow or a chickens flesh. Its really a matter of mind-set. In ancient Greece and Rome, fried locusts, cicadas, and grasshoppers were considered a delicacy superior to the best meat or fish. These insects have enormous nutritional value. Grasshoppers, for example, are 60% protein versus chicken or beef with about 20%. According to author Christopher Nyerges, When hordes of locusts destroy acres of crops, farmers should be counting their blessings and rapidly collecting locusts. After all, the locusts are a much higher protein source than the grains theyre devouring. [End of quote]

The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part One)

The Literal Difference Is Staggering Series

Epigenetics and More Sins of the Father

King James Version, Apocrypha, Septuagint, Canon

The Undeniable Allness of Christ Defies Enemies of the Cross

Heart Treatment On Its Head vs. Gods Perfect Package

Science at the Door (They Keep On Knocking But They Cant Come In)

1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea,

INSTANT REPLAY 3 — Print this and carry with you

Shocking Truth! Internalized Words are Converted to Light

Acclaimed Geologist Solves Mystery: Earth is Young!

INSTANT REPLAY 2 — Print this and carry with you

US Supreme Court Justice Accused of Having FDS

The Miracle Greater Than the Creation of the Universe

Christmas — Can You Believe It? — Part One

Is America A Christian Nation? Part One

The Yoke, the Burden, and the Stress

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