What Was the Economy Like in Ancient Egypt?

What Did Ancient Egyptian Farmers Wear?

What Items or Tools Were Used to Mummify People in Ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egyptian farmers wore loin cloths made of linen, crafted from softened and beaten flax fibers that were spun into thread. Sandals were only worn fo…Full Answer

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There is little evidence to suggest that officials told farmers what to produce. Most people were self sufficient, and although goods were collected in the form of taxes, many had enough left over to store as a surplus. As there was initially no form of coinage in ancient Egypt, it was possible to use this surplus as a form of bartering. Any trade outside the local region took place between market merchants acting on the behalf of the Pharaoh and large estates.

Ancient Egypt had an agricultural economy, and while there is little evidence to suggest that the state told the farmers what to grow, there were quality inspections and taxes were collected.Initially, the ancient Egyptians did not have a coinage system, which meant they relied on trading sacks of corn and grain for goods.

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Although slaves in ancient Egypt worked very hard and were at the disposal of their masters, ancient manuscripts and relics suggest that their lives were c…Full Answer

The items or tools used to mummify people in Ancient Egypt were hooks, linens, salt, resin and a coffin. Mummification was a long process reserved only for…Full Answer

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A simple timeline of Ancient Egypt begins with the settlement of the Nile circa 7000 B.C. and ends with the Greek invasion of Egypt led by Alexander the Gr…Full Answer

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Most of ancient Egypts wealth came from agriculture, which included farming animals, fishing and growing crops. In addition, people would manipulate and manufacture raw materials in their home to produce linen, and eventually larger towns saw the emergence of factories owned by richer members of society. Mining was practiced, but the materials found were used for tools rather than coinage for most of the ancient Egyptian period.

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