What Ancient Egypts economy was based on

What was ancient Egypts main building material?

Why was Egypts named Kemet in the ancient times?

3200-2300 BC – dynasty I-IV – Old Kingdom 2300-2050 BC – dynasty VII-XI – First intermmediate period 2052-1775 BC – dynasty XI-XII – Middle Kingdom 1775-1575 BC – dynasty XIII-XVII – Second intermmediate period 1575-1085 BC – dynasty XVIII-XX – New kingdom 1085-709 BC – dynasty XXI-XXIV – decline period 709-332 BC – dynasty XXV-XXX – late period 332-30 BC – ptolemaic period 30 BC – Egypt is conquered by the roman empire 641 AD – Egypt is conquered by the Arabs.

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What was ancient Egypts average rainfall?

Ancient Egypt had a system of writing called heiroglyphics, a combination of different symbols that made words and from there, sentences, like a written language.

Note: I copied this from the answer (also on WikiAnswers) to the question What is the average rainfall in ancient Egypt?. Probably similar to present day rainfall in Egypt. . Egypt does not have much rainfall except in the winter months. South of Cairo, it averages only around 2 to 5mm a year at intervals of many years. A very narrow strip of the north coast rainfall can be as much as 410mm,. Egypt draws most of its water from the River Nile, which floods at a certain times of the year due to the spring thaw of the snow that falls on Sinais mountains.

Where did Ancient Egypts artisans live?

How do we Know so much about ancient Egypts science and technology?

Because it has made it easier for their lives and in Egypt thepyramids Were used for Egyptians. They built it by their own withsand.

Im in fact doing a project on ancient Egypt right now and I believe the answer is that the ancient Egyptians wrote down EVERYTHING. They kept an enormous amount of records and must have wrote down their ideas and developments in science and technology as well as everything else. Their hieroglyphics were deciphered by a young French scholar, Jean Francoise Champollion, from the Rosetta stone in the 19th century. -Hope this helped

What would happen if Egypts economy if their wasnt the Nile river?

is making the world better one answer at a time.

Due to its geography it made it very difficult to attack because it is surrounded by dessert and the river also contains impassable water falls.

What is Ancient Egypts Writing called?

They believed in the after life. They put the dead pharaohs in a pyramid. They also served many false gods. Egypt became a land steeped in superstition and degrading sexual practices. Far from promoting life and health, the Egyptian way of life led to evil diseases. (Deuteronomy 7:15) Little wonder, then, that the Bible spoke of Egypts gods with contempt, calling them dungy idols.-Ezekiel 20:7, 8. Egypts religion was polytheistic, characterized by over 500 gods, and possibly twice that many. Throughout Egypt generally the company of gods of a town or city were three in number, says Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge. In time, a principal triad developed, a holy family composed of Osiris, the father; Isis, the mother; and Horus, the child. Polytheism resulted in several gods claiming to be the sole god. But priests and theologians evidently saw no problem in believing in one god and at the same time viewing him as existing in a multitude of forms. Author B. Mertz comments that this is only another example of that pleasant inconsistency which is so characteristic of Egyptian religion. Animals were often used to represent attributes of gods or even the gods themselves. But French author Fernand Hazan claims that these animals were more than symbols, being considered worthy of reverence because they were the focal point of good or harmful divine powers. Thus, it is not surprising that a Roman citizen was reportedly lynched for killing a cat and that mummified bodies of dogs, cats, crocodiles, falcons, and bulls have been found in Egyptian graves. Ritualism, mystery cults, and magic practices were deeply entrenched in Egypts religion. So also was the use of religious images and symbols, such as the symbol of life, the crux ansata. These were given such prominence, says The New Encyclopædia Britannica, that individual faith (i.e., personal piety) was never of primary importance. It adds that among images, that of Isis with the child Horus on her lap, perhaps the prototype of the Madonna with the Child, is the most noteworthy. The Egyptians believed in life after death. They mummified their dead and preserved the bodies of dead pharaohs in impressive pyramids. Ancient graves have yielded, as one author puts it, such pathetic but significant vanities as cosmetic palettes, beads, and pots which once contained food and drink.

the nile ran right through the middle of the kingdom, providing agricultural opportunities and water. It was surrounded by desert to the west, south, and immediate east. Mediterranean sea to the north, red sea to the east, plus the sinai, peninsula and a mountain range to the east.

Why are the pyramids considered one of ancient Egypts greatest achievements?

If you mean the pictogram like carvings you see on the walls theyre called. hieroglyphs.

Most regard Ra as the chief god of Egyptian myths; he was a sun god.

Not much, other than the word priest. A priest is defined as one who offers sacrifice, Catholic priests stand as another Christ to offer the sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord on Calvary in the here and now on the altar for the faithful. No doubt Egyptian priests sacrificed to their gods, which the Christian Church regards as the manifestation of demons.

For houses, the Ancient Egyptians used mudbrick, and wood for the lintels and windowframes. For temples, tombs, and pyramids, the Ancient Egyptians used stone. Basically, anything that was supposed to last forever was built of stone. Everything else was built of mudbricks.

What time did the third dynasty of ancient Egypts start?

The Egyptians had many names for their own country, many of them referring to the two banks of the Nile River (The Banks of Horus for example). Sometimes they used the term kmt with the place determinative sign (we do not know what vowels to include so many writers today use the letter e); this means The Black Land – land that is dark from rich alluvial river mud deposited during the inundation season of annual floods, which in turn made the fields fertile and productive. So black in the sense of covered in rich, nutritious mud.

Who was ancient Egypts chief god and what was he the god of?

Was the ancient Greek economy based on slave labor?

What is the name of Ancient Egypts religion?

What are ancient Egypts pictures called?

What was ancient Egypts economy mainly based on?

I am not very sure, but I think the Egyptians did have economy based on a division of social classes because they had different classes so they probably had different economy.

yes, the Greeks had many slaves working for them, usually from over sea conquests The Spartans themsleves had slaves that made up half of their population

Was the economy of ancient Greece based on a division of social classes?

What did the ancient Egypts dead body god do?

If I remember correctly, cats were like guardians and sacred animals so when Pharaohs had them, it was like they were protecting their posessions and their tomb, like tomb guardians.

Well you had to be born in the city where the voting was taking place..the only voters were men..and before voting they would WAsh themselves to make them pure

they had their own religion. i guess you could call it ancient egyptian. most people just call their polytheistic religion by their gods names, or say the egyptian gods

What is special about the ancient Egypts treasures?

Choose brands below and well send your question to them directly.

I have an official test and it is not one of the choices. It is actually queen Hatshepsut.

How did Ancient Egypts quest for immortality affect daily life?

How did Ancient Egypts geography affect their political rule?

What is an element of ancient Egypts topography?

They had cactus juice and sagebrush. Sagebrush is a type of desert seaweed that is very dry and lumpy. An ancient story from the Egyptians told that sagebrush was a sign of sickness because of the lumps. Now we know that sagebrush has these lumps to absorb water through the branches!

How are ancient Egypts politics different from your modern day societys?

What was the ancient egypts religion?

What were ancient Egypts medical advancements?

Almost all of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs were male. The only known female to ever have ruled as pharaoh was Cleopatra

I would be loath to cast away my speech, for besides that it is excellently well penned, I have taken great pains to con it. – W. S.

How would you describe ancient Egypts writing?

The economy was based on harvesting, production and trade ofeconomically valuable products. The politics was based on social aspects. Social classes arose largely from economic status.

the fact that their medicine and astronomy that both involve science were known all over the world

The atmosphere of the planet is not noticeably different now to how it was 4000 years ago.

Was ancient Egypt economy based on a division of social classes?

How were ancient egypts courts like?

Priests hired people to work in temple workshops and granaries.Temples also served as banks. Egyptians used them to store valuableitems, such as gold jewlery, fragrant oils, and finely woventextiles. Hope that helped! ^__^

What is ancient Egypts capital city?

In modern times, we sometimes refer to the ancient Egyptians as pagans, just as we call the ancient Romans and Greeks pagans, but this is not a description the ancients would have recognise.. Since they believed that theirs was the one true religion, they did not believe it required a specific name.

Ancient Egypt is located in the north eastern region of Africa, and is bordered on the north by the Mediterranean Sea. You can also find a mountain range in the south where snow is often received. The Nile River is the largest in the world, the river expands more than 4,000 miles in length.

What were ancient Egypts major landforms?

What is ancient Egypts four social groups?

It was Memphis during the Old Kingdom, and later, during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom it was Thebes (today Luxor).

Ancient Egypts economy was based on agriculture and trading in surplus produce. Trade helped them expand there civilization.

Why are the pyramids considered one of ancient Egypts greatest achievement?

What are ancient Egypts religious beliefs?

Artisans lived in modest homes that were barely 10 yrds long.Their houses were rectangular and only had three rooms that stretched from far to back.

the ancient treasure consists of valuable gold coins!gold Sculptures,gold jewels,the valuable things used by the pharohs………..etc

Their economy was based on the Pharaoh. It is that way because the Pharaoh would have to run the whole country. Without the Pharaoh the whole country would fall apart.

How old is ancient Egypts oldest pyramid?

What do Catholic priests have with ancient Egypts priests?

The food they had in daily lives mightve been healing them a little. They had lots of medicines in Ancient Egypt. They had basic contraceptives, basic painkillers, and basic fertility medicines ,to name a few.

It held the body they put them under a curse so if someone find it they would be cursed for life.yes yes yes its happened before he died in a car accented. .

barter Barter was an element. With the introduction of coins, the monetary economy also developed. Agriculture and pastoralism were the oldest activities. With imperial expansion trade became massive, and artisanal activities also flourished. In the early days debt bondage was the main form of labour exploitation, then slavery became the dominant one.

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What was ancient Egypts physical setting like?

This answer I have used before. Men of all social classes wore a wrap-round skirt called a schenti which was tied at the waist using a belt. The length of the schenti varied depending on the fashion of the time and your status. In the Old Kingdom they were short while in the Middle Kingdom they were calf length. Throughout the ages the schenti worn by ordinary men remained short and plain. From about 1550BC (the beginning of the New Kingdom) it was fashionable for upper class men to have the garment pleated. Egyptian women wore full length tubular dresses with shoulder straps known as a kalasiris. This remained the basic type of garment worn by ordinary women for thousands of years. Like the men the clothing of wealthy women became more elaborate during the New Kingdom. It became fashionable for rich women have their dresses pleated or draped. Rich Egyptian men and women decorated their clothes, wore jewellery and wore elaborate wigs often made from real human hair. The most common used fabric for clothing was linen, woven from fibres obtained from the flax plant, extensively grown in ancient Egypt. Linen came in several grades from the unbleached schenti or kalasiris worn by a peasant to the almost transparent material draped over the bodies of the wealthy. It was not the only material in use: papyrus was used for aprons and sandals; wool was woven into shawls and other outer garments. Leather was used to make sandals and sometimes a mans schenti. The Romans introduced Chinese silk bought from Byzantium via the Silk Road. The quality of cloth denoted your position in the pecking order. The higher a persons social rank the better quality cloth he or she wore. Men and women of all ranks went bare-chested, but for an elite Egyptian complete nakedness was not acceptable, only children, slaves and peasants could be seen without clothes. Such an Egyptian would not raise an eyebrow at the sight of thousands of naked slaves working on the construction of a monument. It was quite likely that these slaves were not provided with clothes. Children of all classes did not wear clothes until they reached puberty. After then they usually wore the same clothes as adults. Most Ancient Egyptians went barefoot most of the time but wore sandals for special occasions or if their feet were likely to get hurt. The sandals worn by the poor were made of woven papyrus or palm while those worn by the rich were made of leather. Dyeing techniques with natural indigenous ingredients had been developed in Egypt but was not well evolved because dyeing linen was difficult. The colours were loaded with symbolism: green symbolized life and youth; yellow was the symbol of gold, the flesh of the immortal gods.

They were big,luxury..they had really big columns which had carvings on them and statues of the pharaos which were also big. Slaves were there also and the pharaoh sat on a chair with guards and slaves round them. A picture is oinked below.

Yes, there were although not many surviving the new age. Laws were based on common sense point of veiw, given by the god Ra. Yes, there were although not many surviving the new age. Laws were based on common sense point of veiw, given by the god Ra

We have very little knowledge of this. What has surfaced, is that the Ancient Pharoh period Egyptians appeared to have a moneyless economy. There is no evidence of any sort of coinage, paper money ( they did develop paper, by the way) or anything remotely like Banks, storage vaults for Gold Ingots, etc. As far as we know they had a moneyless economy- Howver they also had slaves for the heavy labor. From what has surfaced the sophisticated Egyptians were quite intellectual and interestingy enough did not have a formal judicial system either. Crime was very low and not a major social problem of the society- contrast Robin Hood, Black Bart, et al! And all this in a Pagan society. It is interesting.

What Ancient Egypts economy was based on?

Landforms- Some major bodies of water besides the Nile River is Lake Nasser, Alexandria- Cairo waterway, and the Suez Canal. The highest point is mount Catherine, (2,629 m tall), located in the Sinai Peninsula. The lowest point is the Qattara Depression, (133 m below sea level), located in northwestern Egypt.

James received his education in the Catholic seminary. He is a Master Catechist, teaches an adult Catechism class and the RCIA.

On what was ancient egypts economy based?

idk jk i learned about this in history but i think its mountains, water run-off, and flat land…… . ok this is the right answer

it would affect the economy because the agriculture levels would go down, because of course most of Egypts agriculture depends on the Nile river

What are some examples of ancient Egypts Scientific knowledge?

James received his education in the Catholic seminary. He is a Master Catechist, teaches an adult Catechism class and the RCIA.

What are ancient Egypts seven characteristics of civilization?

Can ancient Egypts pharaohs be girls too?

The search for some sort of immortality has had an adverse effect on humanity for as long as we have been around. Searching for it is perhaps the most fruitless endeavor one could ones lifetime on. We are most certainly mortal beings with a finite existence, so searching for any sort of immortality is an extreme waste of ones precious time.

The seven characteristics of ancient civilization are socialstructure, stable food supply, religion, government, writing,culture, and technology. In Egypt, the social structure wascomposed of seven classes – slaves, peasants, artisans, scribes,priests, nobles, and pharaohs. The stable food supply included foodgrown from the waters of Nile. The Egyptians practiced apolytheistic religion that included the worship of many gods andgoddesses. The government of ancient Egypt was lead by the Pharaoh.The written language was the hieroglyphics. The culture of theancient Egyptians was full of art. The technology of the ancientEgyptians included tools for farming, architecture, and science andmedicine.

What ways were temples important to Egypts economy?

Nothing, really, other than the name priest, and the fact that they both offer sacrifice. In the ancient world a priest was a priest because he offered sacrifice to the Gods. In the modern world, a priest still offers sacrifice, but in this case, he offers the sacrifice of the Son to the Father, a perpetual sacrifice. See the book of Daniel where God prophecies the perpetual sacrifice to be offered in His Name, which is prophesying the Christian period, the end times.

What was Ancient Egypts atmosphere like?

Well, first off, many things in history (such as dates, names, etc.) are somewhat controversial, so Ill try to give the closest answer I can. The Old Kingdom existed around 2650/3000-2150/2040 BC. The first pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, King Djoser, reigned from about 2691-2625 BC, which would therefore mean that the The Third Dynasty probably originated around that time. I hope this was helpful 🙂 P.S. – I still advise that you check it out. In history, it is always better to double-check your info.

Who was the Egyptian ruler who avoided military conquests and expanded Egypts economy?

Well no one could be certain because the ancient scriptures show that Egypt was there from the beginning of time we have records from up to a thousand years ago but we never can be certain when the first will be made it might be older that the city of Atlantis witch is over ten thousand years old both of those were destroyed by a great battle

Food was normally fresh and simple, but they also made stews, porridges , and soups. They had a good supply of fresh foods, so they werent heavily salted or flavored like in Rome or Greece. meats: -birds (wild or domesticated, and species such as geese, chicken, doves, pigeon, fowl, quail or ducks, either raw, cooked, salted or dried) -beef – mutton -fish (cooked, raw, salted or dried) -goat -eggs -pigs drinks: -water -beer (it was less alcaholic back then) -wine dairy products such as milk, clarified butter and cheese They ate a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices, such as: -honey -figs -onions -lettuce -leeks -garlic -barley -wheat -berries -dates -grapes -radishes -pulses -salt -fruits -beans (chickpeas, broad beans, brown beans, lentils) -melons -cucumbers -oils and fats breads and cakes: -honey sweetened cakes -fig sweetened cakes -leavened breads, often formed into interesting shapes such as moon, round, or in the shape of a woman -unleavened breads

pharaoh Then Upper Class and preist and nobles Middle Class Lower Class.* HOPE IT HELPED (^_^) The pharaoh – The pharaoh was believed to be a living god and he/she controlled over all of egypt. The people of egypt relied on him to; Keep order, defend from invading countries, make sure there are sufficient offerings for the gods so that there would be the annual flooding of the Nile. The Nobles – The nobles would rule over their own region of egypt (nomes). They were responsible for making local laws and keeping order in their region. Merchants, Craftsmen and Scribes – Scribes were the people of egypt who could read and write, becoming a scribe was extremely hard and only a few passed in scribe school. Pottery makers, leather workers, sculptors, painters, weavers, jewellery makers, shoe makers, tailors and farmers were the main workers in Egypt (in the middle class). Craftsmen usually worked together in workshops. Peasants – Peasants were the lower class of egypt, they were either slaves or just worked at home, slaves were usually farmers or entertainers. Hope this helped, just an improvement on previous answer… 😛

Because it represented that the egyptians were wealthy. Pyramids were also the tallest structures in the world for a very long time, finally egyptian pharaohs were buried in them which showed that the egyptians cared about their pharaohs.

What do Catholic priests have in common with ancient Egypts priests?

I would describe it as artistic, beautiful, complex, decorative, difficult, variable, traditional, pictorial, mixed, puzzling, attractive, unusual, neatly arranged, regulated, expressive, formulaic, prestigious, conventional and exclusive.

What was ancient Egypts food supply?

What does a cat have to do with ancient Egypts history and pharaohs?

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