Alternative Healing

PAX 3 A True Dual-Use Vaporizer for Dry Herb and Extracts

Steven PetersAlternative HealingNatural Cancer Therapies

EXPOSED: See How Much Money Your Doctor Takes From Drug Companies

Secret Documents Connect Monsanto to Retracting Seralini GMO Report

Pharmaceutical drugs are not your only path to pain relief. Natural pain remedies like herbal medicine, in which parts of a plant are used medicinally to treat health problems is an increasingly popular way to manage pain. Many herbs and spices can treat inflammation and other related conditions. These plant-based options fall under a category of medical treatment known …

Steven PetersAlternative HealingNatural RemediesReviews

Shocking Health Problems Related to Stress and Tips for Relief

Natural Revolution Empowering Natural Living

By Steven Peters When you consider sinking your hard-earned money into picking up a quality essential oil to lift your mood that will also give yourself other positive therapeutic effects, you, of course, want something that is safe and to know exactly whats in the bottle. Unfortunately, you have no idea what youre buying if you blindly trust a …

Health Risks From Long-Term Ketogenic Diets

PAX 3 A True Dual-Use Vaporizer for Dry Herb and Extracts

7 Secret Techniques to Overcome Depression and Anxiety Naturally

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Probiotics hold the key not just for better health and a stronger immune system, but also for treating digestive issues, mental health illness and neurological disorders. Research continues to prove that probiotics benefits and side effects go far beyond what we previously thought. In this, The Ultimate Probiotic Guide to Better Health article, you will learn everything you ever need to know about probiotics, …

The Best Essential Oils for Skin Whitening

Steven PetersAlternative HealingMedical CannabisNews

Wouldnt it be nice if our worries could just float away with a single pill? While that might not be the case just yet, there are powerful healing herbs that have been around for centuries and studied which have shown just how incredible they are to being the closest thing to a miracle cure that nature has to offer. Your body is …

10 Proven Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Its pernicious . . . its diabolical . . . it creeps into every moment of our lives. It influences our relationships, impacts our body, works its way into our conversations, sparks non-nourishing behaviors, and forces us to do things wed never want to do. Its infectious; its relentless . . . its stress! daviji By Steven Peters …

How to Avoid Eating Toxic GMO Meat and Dairy Products

Watch John Olivers Smackdown of US Failed Policy on Marijuana Prohibition

Steven PetersAlternative HealingFDA ExposedNatural Cancer Therapies

The Anti-Cannabis Blacklist: Companies and Organizations Against Cannabis

Steven PetersAlternative HealingGMONatural Remedies

The Ultimate Essential Oils Guide: Therapeutic Uses, Recipes Safety

Smoking Vs. Vaporizing Cannabis Know The Facts

Trader Joes Trading Your Health for Genetically Modified Food They Sell

Dr. Sanjay Gupta showing the clear proven medical benefits of high CBD marijuana and why marijuana should not be classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance by the U.S. Federal Government. Marijuana should be immediately rescheduled to Schedule 3. Marijuana is less harmful than heroin, e and crystal meth, with accepted medical uses in the United States, moderate potential for …

Steven PetersAlternative HealingMental HealthNatural Remedies

Studies Show CBD Treats Many Forms of Cancer

By MITCH HOROWITZ The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw an explosion of spiritual teachers and impresarios dealing in secret wisdom. Their ranks included hacks and frauds as well as more than a few genuine scholars of esoteric traditions. Most have vanished from memory, their writings a historical footnote. There exists one distinct figure, though, whose movement and …

Of the 630 scientific peer-reviewed articles that have been published about the proven health benefits of black seed oil, one fact is clear   there are few diseases that it cannot help the body overcome. With virtually no side effects, the healing prowess of black seed is actually quite unbelievable and boggles the mind that most Americans have never heard of …

Cancer is serious business. The kind of business that puts billions of dollars in the pockets of those who have been treating cancer with conventional means for decades. And anyone who may offer a different approach to not only treating cancer, but lay claims of a cancer cure, is faced with an uphill battle from governmental regulatory agencies, to the …

Steven PetersAlternative HealingNatural RemediesReviews

Steven PetersAlternative HealingNewsSpiritual Teachings

What was considered far more valuable than gold and silver in Biblical times? What would kings and queens of antiquity never be caught without? What was found in King Tuts tomb and cherished for its health-giving benefits for thousands of years? The answer to all of these questions comes from one of the oldest secrets of the natural world: essential …

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5 Powerful Herbal Tea Recipes That Soothe Ailments Naturally

Steven PetersAlternative HealingEssential OilsNatural RemediesReviews

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