Ancient Egyptian Names

see thepronunciation keyfor a guide on how to write the sounds

will match exactly one syllable in the pronunciation

be born. Thutmose was the name of four Egyptian pharaohs of the New Kingdom, including Thutmose III who conquered Syria and Nubia.

will match a consonant or consonant cluster

will match names which have two syllables and then the sound

meaning born of Ra, composed of the name of the supreme godRAcombined with the Egyptian root

French Presidents and Prime Ministers

enter a username to search that users public personal name lists

will exclude peripheral forms such as diminutives, short forms, and combinations

be born. This was the name of the first pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. He defeated the Hyksos and drove them from Egypt.

is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters

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Bulgarian Presidents and Prime Ministers

will match names from the novel The Lord of the Rings

check this if you wish distinguish between unstressed lowercase sounds and stressed uppercase sounds

relationships between names further up the family tree will be included

German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors

will match names which end with the sound

force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a

Turkish Presidents and Prime Ministers

meaning born of Thoth, itself composed of the name of the Egyptian godTHOTHcombined with

life combined with the name of the god

meanings for names further up the family tree will be included in the search

is anything from the names write-up that is surrounded by double quotes

Thesenameswere used in Ancient Egypt.

. This was the name of an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, most famous because of the treasures found in his tomb.

syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations

meaning the most beautiful. This was the name of an Egyptian queen of the New Kingdom, the favourite wife of Rameses II.

search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes

Fictional Characters from Television

does not contain all of the keyword(s)

to limit your search to a specific list, put the name of the list in brackets after the username

Meaning unknown. Menes was an Egyptian king who united Upper and Lower Egypt around 3000 BC. He is also known as Narmer; Menes was probably his funeral name.

will match names from the novel The Lord of the Rings

be born. Rameses was the name of eleven Egyptian kings of the New Kingdom. The most important of these were Rameses II the Great who campaigned against the Hittites and also built several great monuments, and Rameses III who defended Egypt from the Libyans and Sea Peoples.

does not contain any of the keyword(s)

English and British Kings and Queens

sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations

names without pronunciations are excluded from results

will match Greek names of myths or legends not about Zeus

names without pronunciations are excluded from results

force a term to be included by preceding it with a

does not contain all of the keyword(s)

Means he comes in peace in Egyptian. This was the name of the architect, priest, physician and chief minister to the pharaoh Djoser. Imhotep apparently designed the step pyramid at Sa电话ara, near Memphis.

search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes

name impressions are based on feedback left by the community

Fictional Characters from Traditional Tales

Austrian Chancellors and Presidents

this field understands simple boolean logic

is the meaning and history write-up for the name

will match Greek names of myths or legends not about Zeus

will return Betsy because it is a diminutive of its parent Elizabeth

meaning born of Iah, derived from the name of the Egyptian godIAHcombined with

will match names which have two letters and then a

Finnish Presidents and Prime Ministers

MeansAMONis foremost in Egyptian. This was the name of four Egyptian pharaohs, including the founder of the 12th dynasty.

does not contain any of the keyword(s)

keywords from the name meanings are ignored

force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a

is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter

Means foremost of noble women in Egyptian. This was the name of a pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. She may have been the first woman to take the title of Pharaoh.


Means image of the life of Amon, derived from Egyptian

in order to honour the god. After his death polytheism resumed.

meaning the beautiful one has come. Nefertiti was a powerful Egyptian queen of the New Kingdom, the principal wife ofAkhenaton, the pharaoh that briefly imposed a monotheistic religion centered around the sun godAton.

the relationship is how the name relates to its parent name

Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals

the pattern will be compared to the name

will match a plosive or stop consonant

this field understands simple boolean logic

Portuguese Presidents and Prime Ministers

Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers

Possibly means spirit ofATONin Egyptian. Akhenaton was a 14th-century BC Egyptian pharaoh of the New Kingdom, who is best known for promoting the monotheistic worship of the sun godAton. He changed his name from

is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation

Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers

peace, satisfaction. This was the name of four pharaohs of the New Kingdom, including Amenhotep III, known as the Magnificent, who ruled over Egypt during a time of great prosperity.

meaning peace of Amon, derived from the name of the Egyptian godAMONcombined with

anglicized, from a different language

Albanian Presidents and Prime Ministers

force a term to be included by preceding it with a

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