Ancient Egyptians Objects from Daily Life

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Fun interactive – Escape from the Mummys Tomb

Images of Ancient Egyptian Daily Life

From Mok the gorilla to Viking rings – fascinating objects from around the world

How do these items differ from the sort of objects you have at home today?

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Quiz about everyday life in Ancient Egypt

The Egyptians usedoil lamps(as in Photograph1) to light their homes. They would pour oil into a central hole in the lamp, which would then sit in a store in the bowl.A piece of string or linen would then be dipped into the oil and this would soak up the oil and light, producing a steady flamelike a candle. Then people could hold the lamp without burning themselves and place it in a lamp holder or a hook on the wall.

View other relevantMy Learning resourcesor see theteachers notespage for discussion and activity ideas.

BBC Bitesize film: Daily life in Ancient Egypt

Egyptianfaienceis a ceramic material which creates bright colours. Photograph2 shows afaiencefloweredtile. This sort of tile would have been found inside Egyptian houses and used to decorate door and window frames.

What sort of things do we use to decorate our homes?

Can you think of any modern day versions of these items?

Learning article provided by:Leeds Museum Discovery Centre

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