Ancient Faith Blogs

Faith at the Intersection of Time and Eternity

On being a modern woman in an ancient tradition

The Church and Homosexuality: A Meditation

Blessing: Does It Actually Mean Anything?

Personal Transfiguration in Holiness: Homily for the 11th Sunday

Two Spiritual Lessons We Can All Learn from a

77. Orthodoxy and Other Faiths: Extra-Protestant Groups Christian

Church in the Land of Commerce: 1. Introduction

When Youve Fallen Off Your Spiritual Wagon

(New Podcast Episode) Evening and Morning: The First Day

Homilies and Commentary on the Christian Life Today

A Meeting Place for Evangelicals, Reformed, and Orthodox Christians

Updates and insights on the work and plans of Ancient Faith Ministries

78. The Falling Asleep of the Theotokos

Orthodox Christianity, Culture and Religion, Making the Journey of Faith

Notes on music, liturgy, and the sacrifice of praise

The Scriptures in the Orthodox Church

76. Orthodoxy and Other Faiths: Some Extra-Protestant Groups, Part

Anatomy of a Foreword: Metr. Kallistos on Sexual Morality

© 2009-2018Ancient Faith Ministries, Inc.

The Lightning of his Godhead: the Resurrectional Hymns in

Whats on Your List?

Church in the Land of Commerce: 2. Management/Administration: Introduction

No Love? No Church. No Christianity.

Condemned or Redeemable? Thoughts about Internet and Ministry after

Staying Grounded on our True Foundation: Homily for St.

Theological Reflections on the True Measure of Success

Then they told what had happened on the road

On nurturing the faith in our young people

Not Tempted by Hades? The Sunday of the Ecumenical

Timely Tune-Up (July 2018): Whats Happening Around Time Eternal

An Ancient Faith Blog with Edith M. Humphrey

Reflections from Fr. Lawrence Farley

The Churching of Infants: Reflections on Liturgics in a

The Ministry Site of Fr. Barnabas Powell

From the Heights to the Depths: The Resurrectional Hymns

The Importance of Being Faithful in Small Things: Homily

The Operating Principles of the Contemporary Social Imaginary: 7.

A Smorgasbord: Saints Stories, Seasons, Society, Seven Sins, plus Travels mostly to Greece and who knows what next? by Father Bill Olnhausen

Seeking beauty and truth in Russian history and folk culture

Reflections on the Inner Life from Canadas Pacific Coast by Fr. Michael Gillis

David Bentley Harts The New Testament: A Review

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