Ancient History in-depth

From the death cults of Egypt to the fearsome yet sophisticated society of the Vikings, the ancient world was a surprising and challenging place.

Discover more about the techniques used to investigate archaeological sites on land and sea. With analysis of some fascinating digs and the controversies surrounding the findings.

The ancient world played host to a rich array of fascinating cultures.

Explore the in-depth sections below.

The vibrant societies of ancient Greece have had a profound impact on the modern world.

The ingenious yet brutal Roman Empire laid the foundations for much of the Europe of today.

The Indus Valley nurtured the subcontinents enduring and sophisticated cultures.

Who were the ancient Britons and did the people known as Celts ever really exist?

Travel back in time toAncient Britainand create your own stone circle.

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Eric (voiced by Daniel Roche) visitsRoman Britain, where he lives a life of privilege.

Not just pirates and warriors but also traders and colonists, the Vikings left their mark on Britain.

The culture of ancient Egypt spanned 5,000 years, but it remains an intriguing mystery.

They ruled England for 600 years, forming the basis of its culture, language and borders.

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