Papyrus was expensive & only used by advanced students
Great builders, organizers, and most prosperous of 4 River Valley civs
c. 4000 BC Many small villages established along the Nile and civilization begins
Sails used to catch winds to return upstream
controlled the Nile by building dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches.
c. 6500 BC – Probable start of agriculture in the Nile region
Eventually schools provided general education
The Nile served as a trade route connecting Egypt to Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean world.
Nile River provided food, transportation, irrigation and fertilized the soil w/ predictible flooding
– Africa History for AP World History
Currents carried barges downstream to the delta
gods control nature, life and death
River provided fish and wildlife for food
Preserved the bodies of the dead through mummification
3 seasons, 30 days for 11 months, 35 for the 12
Major Accomplishments:united kingdoms along the Nile River, developed papyrus paper, hieroglyphs, Great Pryamids, conquered by Alexander the Great
Students took notes on scraps of pottery
traded to middle east, eastern Med. and east Africa
Deposited silt, replenishing the soil with nutrients
Natural barriers (seas and deserts) that protected Egypt
Until recent dams, flooded annually in July
Caused delta to form at the mouth of the river
Stable food production made Egypt stable and strong
Originates Central African highlands
Believed the earthly body and goods would be needed as a home for the soul
Longest river in the world at 4,160 miles
Greeks & Romans based much of their medical knowledge on that of the Egyptians
Settlements along thin stretch of Nile
Used to make paper, floors androofs for houses
Believed the good lived on in happiness
Egypt is wholly the gift of the Nile.