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, first scientifically constructed oillamp, patented in 1784 in England by a Swiss,Aim Argand. The first basic change in lamps in thousands of years, it applied a principle that was later adapted to gas burners. The Argand burner consisted of a cylindricalwickhoused between two concentric metal tubes. The inner tube provided a passage through which air rose into the centre to supportcombustionon the inner surface of the cylindricalflamein addition to that on the outer surface. A glass chimney increased the draft, allowing more complete burning of the oil; an Argand lamp gave about 10 times the light of an earlier lamp of the same size, as well as a cleaner flame, but its oilconsumptionwas greater.
Lamp, a device for producing illumination, consisting originally of a vessel containing a wick soaked in combustible material, and subsequently such other light-producing instruments as gas and electric lamps. The lamp was invented at least as early as 70,000 bce. Originally it consisted of a
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replaced after 1783 by the Argand oil lamp, in which the cylindrical wick was enclosed in a glass chimney to steady the flame and provide a brighter, whiter, and cleaner light source. The chimneyed oil lamp eventually replaced the candle, but it was still hung in clusters above and bracketed
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scientist, Aim Argand, invented an oil lamp whose steady smokeless flame revolutionized lighthouse illumination. The basis of his invention was a circular wick with a glass chimney that ensured an adequate current of air up the centre and the outside of the wick for even and proper combustion of the
s with cylindrical wicks were widely used.
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Lighting, use of an artificial source of light for illumination. It is a key element of architecture and interior design. Residential lighting uses mainly either incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps and often depends heavily on movable fixtures plugged into outlets; built-in lighting is
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