This may vary from box to box OR they all consist of the same cards. I wont know until I find more to purchase that are unopened.
Skywalker, Halloween, Ghost, Bellisimo, Yin and Yang, and Ricky.
Now I still have to find more information, but I believe the first Bella item released was the E-Game Starter box. This shiny pink and purple box is in English (with a paper inside with the same description in Swedish and Danish, I believe) and comes with 18 horse cards and one Congratulations card for you to activate ONE horse online. I purchased only one so I am not sure if they are all the same.
Joy, Rainbow, Flipper, Bella, Twins, and Saga.
The next difference is only found in the FOIL cards. The US set has a full solid foil shine on the entire card, highlighting certain spots on the picture. The UK set has very noticableSTARS on the picture. These five-pointed stars are through out the picture and consist of big and small stars.
The only two sets the differ from the US sets would be the First Series and the Second Series, Mythology.
Charlie, Dusty, Treasure, and Magic.
The Silver series is the first set released in Denmark. It came out in September of 2005. This set only consisted of 45 common cards.
The first noticable difference is in theCODES.All codes are consisted of littleDOTSinstead of solid letters/numbers. These dots are usuallyVERY close together making them look like solid letters/numbers.But on theUK card set however,theyare abit more spread out and are very noticable as dots. The codes also appear to be a bit more TALLER and clustered together than the US verisons. This makes it seems like there is less letters/numbers but they still consist of 10. I also noticed that most of the COMMON cards in the UK set start with either a C or a 9 with an occiasional D on some cards. This isnt too big a difference though, but I thought I would mention it.
Mythology Checklist : Thank you Bella Sara Group!
Please be patient as they may take a minute or so to fully load once you click on them.
These cards are used as PROMO cards instead and have a total of 11 in the US promo set. The promo card NOT used in the Denmark set isNisqually. There is also the Promo FOIL cardKeetoowahthat is not included in the Denmark set.
The Silver series is the first set released in Denmark. It came out in September of 2005. This set consists of 28 common cards, 10 Energy cards, 27 RARE cards and 27 FOIL cards. The rare and foil cards NOT in the US rare and foil cards are:
Here is the full lists of all the US checklists. They can be found on the Bella Sara website as well!
These are list for card sets that are different from the US sets.
The Silver series is the second set released in Denmark. It came out in September of 2005. This set consists of 48 common cards and 10 Energy cards.
The next difference would the theSTARborder on the cards. The stars are the white six-pointed spots around the picture of the horse on the card. These are on the US Second Series and UK Gold series. There is a total of 12 stars on these cardsets. It may behard to tell, but the stars on the UK set are SMALLER than the US set.
Now, the Mythology set consist of the cards from the 3rd US set, Northern Lights, and the 4th US set, Ancient Lights. They are pink bordered cards. A checklist for the cards is linked below. I believe this is a fan made checklist from a member on the YAHOO! group Bella Sara. Thank you hmaffin!
Just click on the link to view the file! They should work and are directly from the Bella Sara websites.
The Silver series is the first set released in Denmark. It came out in September of 2005. This set consists of 40 common cards, 10 Energy cards, and 5 FOIL cards.
The Silver series is the third set released in Denmark. It came out in September of 2005. This set consists of 45 common cards and 10 Energy cards.
The next two differences are the differences in the boxes and wrappers that the cards come in. I have taken pictures of all the differences. Just click on the links below to view them.
King, Geisha, and Tikka the special cards that not part of the sets.
Here you will find the checklists for all card sets, including the Denmark and UK sets. These files are in Adobe PDF format so please make sure you have Adobe Reader/Acrobat installed on your computer in order to use/view these files.
The First Series is EXACTLY like the Second Series in the US, with only a few minor differences on the cards to tell them apart. There is also a difference in the boxes and the wrapper packs.
These are the VERY first sets ever released. They were originally called Bella and notBella Sara. After these sets were released they were followed by Northern Lights, Ancient Lights, Native Lights, Magical Friends, Baby Bella, Treasures, Royalty and finally Bellas Ball. I have been doing a bit of research and found out that some sets in other countries have different cards than the US sets! One example is the Denmark Native Lights set has 65 non foil cards instead of the 55 the US set has. This also gives them 27 foils instead of 17. Another example is the Magical Friends set in Italian has 92 non foil cards instead of the 86 in the US set.