Daily Life

The Riddle of the Indus:What does it take to build a city with straight streets and well designed sewers? It takes smart engineers and a lot of planning! These well organized cities suggest a well organized government and probably a well-developed social life.

Ancient Indias Contribution to Science and Technology

Although scientists can not yet read the language, they are beginning to believe these people had a common language! Thats incredible! As well, scientists have found artifacts at different sites (towns) with the same or similar picture of a unicorn on them.India Todaysuggested humorously that perhaps it was a logo – like Pepsi and Coke, only this one was Unicorn!

to Deborah Azzopardi, for Fashion in Ancient India

… explore the unique, the crazy, the wacky …

The Gupta Empire(320 AD to about 500 AD). The Gupta Empire existed at about the same time as the Roman Empire. It dominated northern India.The Gupta Empire was neat. Villages were protected from bandits and raids with local military squads.Each squad was made up of one elephant, one chariot, three armored cavalrymen and five foot soldiers.In times of war, all the squads were brought together to form the royal army!

Art:The craftsmen worked with iron and copper. Their iron work, especially, was outstanding.Even today, statues exist from this period, made of iron, that show very little rust!

Thanks to modern technology and international rivalry, nearly 1,400 Indus sites (towns!) have now been discovered. That is a very big civilization, large enough to be called an empire, onlythere is no evidence that these people were governed by emperorswho lived in palaces or large estates. Rather, the opposite has been discovered. Some homes are a bit larger than others, but that might be due to a larger family unit.

The Ramayana & the Mahabharata:Around 1000 BC, the Aryans started to create two marvelous epics.We know about daily life during this period from these famous epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. These epics are stories about Aryans life, wars, and accomplishments. School kids in India, today, know these stories very well. Theyre great stories! The Ramayana tells a story in which the (good) aryan king Rama destroys the (evil) pre-aryan king Ravana. The other epic, Mahabharata, talks of Aryan wars amongst themselves, where two clans, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, battle it out, and the Pandavas emerge victorious. This is why the period from roughly 1000 BC to 500 BC is called the Epics Period. It is named after these two great epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

Vedic people also enjoyed lavish embroidery and embellishments. Gold being the preferred, though there was also an abundance of silver and precious gems.

How did the Aryans live?The Aryans clans, or tribes, settled in different regions of northwestern India. The tribes were called Gana (literally a collection – of people). The chief of each tribe was an hereditary job. If your father was the chief, someday, you would be chief. It was the only way to become a chief. The chief made decisions, after listening to a committee, or perhaps even to the entire tribe. People had a voice, but the chief was the boss.

The pets were mainly birds like parrots. The royals had peacocks. (Monkeys were not usually pets. Monkeys were mostly a nuisance, but cute!)

The following article was generously e-mailed to us for inclusion by author,

Yagna (central fire-place):The life of the tribal Aryans was focused around the central fireplace called the Yagna. Dinner time was social time. The tribe would gather around the central fireplace, and share news, and the days happenings. Those who tended the central fireplace also cooked for the rest of the tribe. This was a very special job. The fire tenders were the go-between between the fire god and the people. These fire tenders, later on, formed the caste of priests. The Aryans ate meat, vegetables, fruit, bread, milk, and fish.The word for guest was Go-Ghna or eater of beef.

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The Hindu Kids Universe (great site!)

So far, scientists have found no wall carvings or tomb paintings to tell us about their life. We do know they had a written language, but only a few sentences, on pottery and amulets, have been found. We dont know what it says. Scholars have quite a few mysteries to solve about the ancient Indus civilization. For one thing, the people who lived in these marvelous cities disappeared around 1500 BC. Perhaps they ran out of wood to hold back flooding, or perhaps their soil gave out and no longer would grow crops. No one knows what happened these people, or where they went. Historians are very curious. It will be interesting to see what archaeologists dig up next!

Women in Vedic society wore a variety of garments. The first being a skirt type garment (dhoti), with a blouse (choli) and scarf. Second is a sari, which is a length of fabric wound around the body with the loose end (pallu) thrown over the shoulder. Sometimes a choli would be worn with this. The last garment was worn mainly by tribal women. The Adivasi is a length of fabric tied around the waist with no upper garment worn.

inSouthern India:In the south, however, ancient scriptures describe women as wearing saris. A sari is a single cloth wrapped around the body. It covers the woman from head to toe. A dhoti is less modest. In ancient times, it was considered very important for women to be covered from the neck down to the feet. The southern half of India has been almost exclusively Shaivite for thousands of years. Shaivites typically have very, very few possessions. A Shaivite woman would not have worn such jewelry. Shaivite men have typically worn only a loin cloth and perhaps a cloth on the head to protect from the sun, never jewelry.

Ancient Bengal men painted their nails to attract girls. This is the earliest mention of colouring nails. In the ancient Indus, girls used lipstick which is also another first use. (NOVO)Ancient Bangladesh

Dhoti A length of fabric about 1 yards by 6-9 yards, which is wrapped around the body with the loose end either tied at the waist or thrown over the shoulder.

Saris an illustrated guide to the Indian art of draping, Shataki Press International, 1997, Chantal Boulanger.

Gupta homes:In the villages and towns, homes were mostly one room huts made of wood or bamboo, with thatched roofs. Even the palaces were made of wood! Larger homes had several rooms and balconies.

Mr Donns Ancient History Page:Ancient India

EducationKids were taught by aguru (a teacher). Even chiefs sons had to obey the guru. All students followed a rigorous course of studies which were imparted orally. Writing was done on bark and leaves, and hence was perishable, so we have very few rock edicts to tell us what they studied or what they wrote.

Clothingwas initially made of animal skins. As the Aryans settled down, clothing began to be made of cotton.

In 1922, archaeologists found something exciting! They found the remains of an. They found another city, located 400 miles southwest of Harappa, called Mohenjo-Daro. Other ancient cities from the same period, arranged in the same way, have been found since. Collectively, this civilization is referred to as the Indus Valley Civilization (sometimes, the Harappan civilization). This civilization existed from about 3000-2,500 BC to about 1500 BC, which means itexisted at about the same time as the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations

What is amazing is that it appears the Harappan cities did not develop slowly, which suggests that whoever built these cities learned to do so in another place.As the Indus flooded, cities were rebuilt on top of each other. Archaeologists have discovered several different cities, one built over the other, each built a little less skillfully. The most skillful was on bottom. It would appear that builders grew less able or less interested in perfection over time. Still, each city is a marvel, and each greatly advanced for its time.

Here are some great sites about ancient India!

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People were happy during the Gupta period, theGolden Ageof ancient India. They had religious freedom. They were given free medical care, which included simple surgery. Criminals were never put to death. Instead, they were fined for their crimes. Rewards of money were given to writers, artists, and scholars to encourage them to produce wonderful work, and they did. Very few of the common people were educated, but the Gupta Empire had many universities. Students came from as far away as China to study at Gupta universities!Indian cities are prosperous and stretch far and wide. There are many guest houses for travellers. There are hospitals providing free medical service for the poor. The viharas and temples are majestic. People are free to choose their occupations. There are no restrictions on the movement of the people. Government officials and soldiers are paid their salaries regularly. People are not addicted to drinks. They shun violence. The administration provided by the Gupta rulers is fair and just. Chinese traveller Fa Hien, during the reign of Chandragupta II. (This quote provided to us byNOVO)

Our thanks to author/historian,Sudheer Birodkar, for sharing with us detailed information about ancient India daily life!

We know very little about this civilization, but what we know is fascinating! Over 4,000 years ago, in the Indus Valley, people built huge, planned cities, with straight streets, and brick homes with private baths! Kids played with toys and women wore lipstick!

What did the ancient Indians wear? What did they eat? Did kids play with toys? Didthey go to school? This site shares daily life in three major time periods of ancient India history; theand so cool Indus Valley Civilization, the Vedic & Epics Periods, and the Age of Empires.If youre in a hurry, use thecheat sheetto find just what you need! Welcome to ancient India!

Adivasi A length of fabric tied around the waist, Usually smaller than the sari.

We would like to thank Sudheer Birodkar, an Indian novelist and historian, who generously shared with us a great deal of information about ancient India daily life! This site could not have been written without his help! Sudheer has placed online some very interesting pages that share his knowledge and love of ancient India. Here are just a few of them:

To readIndia Todaysdelightfully informative update on the Riddle of the Indus,go here!

Some of the toys found were small carts, whistles shaped like birds, and toy monkeys which could slide down a string!

What did they do when they were not working or fighting each other?The Aryans loved to gamble. They introduced the horse to ancient India and raced chariots. They played fighting games. They loved to tell stories. The ancient Aryans were proud and fierce, and deeply religious.They had many gods and goddesses.

What next? Scientists remain very curious about these people, who lived about the same time in history as the ancient Mesopotamians and the ancient Egyptians. Did these ancient civilizations know each other in ancient times? My personal opinion is – yes! As scientists continue to unravel the riddle of the Indus, we may find we will have to rewrite history! Was it the ancient Mesopotamians who first invented the sailboat and the wheel, or was it perhaps the people in the Indus Valley? Where did these people come from, and where did they go? Its a fascinating riddle.

Aryan Houses:The people in the Vedic period lived in straw and wooden huts. Some homes were made of wood, but not until later, during the Epics Period.

Ancient Indians did not use banks, so the family fortune was worn by the Vaishnav women in the northern half of India. In the north, they wore lots of jewelry. It was used both by men and women. Jewelry included armbands, waist belts, leg and ankle bangles for both sexes, ear rings, nose rings, rings on fingers and toes, crowns and other hair adornments. In 326 BC, Alexander the Great (that great Greek!) invaded northwest India. Heres his account: They use parasols as a screen from the heat! They wear shoes made of white leather and these are elaborately trimmed, while the soles are variegated, and made of great thickness, to make the wearer seem so much taller.

Clothing:See also:Fashion in Ancient India(on this page)

Things do change over time. Things certainly changed in the Indus Valley when a new group arrived, called the Aryans.The Aryans came from Central Asia (modern day Russia).They entered the Indus Valley through the fabled Khyber pass. The Aryans were nomads. They raised livestock, rode chariots, and loved to gamble. They had no sophisticated government. They grouped in clans, and were ruled by warrior chiefs called rajas. Their history is one of constant war amongst themselves, between the various clans. We have little archaeological evidence, but have something else we can use to learn about them.The Aryans created marvelous stories, stories they told or sang for centuries.

Turban A length of fabric wrapped or tied around the head to create a headdress.

TheVEDAS:The Aryan beliefs and daily life are described in the fourVedas, a collection of poems and sacred hymns, composed in about 1500 BC. Veda means knowledge. The Vedas are composed of the Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas. This is why the period from roughly 1500 BC to 1000 BC is called the Vedic Period. It is named after the Vedas.

Indus Valley Civilization Daily Life

At one time, the tilak or bindi as it is called, was a sign of a happily married woman. Today, it is much more a fashion accessory–it can be any colour, any shape or size, and women often wear more than one. (Gerald L Harrison; Adult educator: Asian Studies Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Canada)

Sports and Games:Ancient Indians invented many of the games we play today, like chess, polo, and playing cards (which are said to have gone from India to the other parts of our globe). They practiced martial arts, wrestling, and fencing. Hunting was also a favorite pastime of the nobility.

Costumes of India, Diamond Pocket Books

What was life like, over 4,000 years ago, in Harappa and in Mohenjo-Daro, two busy cities of about 35,000 people each? Would you have wanted to live in one of these flourishing ancient cities? (I think they sound neat!) Lets see what you think!

inNorthern India:In the north, Ancient Indians wore (some still wear) an unstiched garment called dhoti. This was a 9 meter long cloth that was draped around the legs and tied at the abdomen. Both sexes wore it the same way. Women wore bright colours. Men wore either white or dark colors.

Clothing in Ancient India was for the most part, similar for both men and women. The basic costume of ancient society was a length of cloth wrapped around the lower part of the body, and a loose fitting garment for the upper body, which was usually another length of fabric. A headdress was also worn, mainly by the men.

The next thousand years saw a great many kings and emperors! Some did fabulous things, like plant trees along the roads and built rest houses for travelers. Other started great public works programs. Lets take a closer look at just one of the empires – my favorite – the Gupta Empire.

Men also had a choice in their clothing though not as varied as the women. Men usually wore a Dhoti, which is a length of fabric wrapped around the waist. This could be left as a skirt or brought through the legs and made into a pants type garment. Men of the south rarely wore shirts, but men of the north wore a fitted upper garment. Male headdress was also a length of fabric, wrapped around the head, called a Turban. Women sometimes wore the turban also.

INDOlink – ancient & modern Indian stories, coloring book

Transportation:The people used camels, oxen and elephants to travel over land. They had carts with wooden wheels. They had ships, with one mast, probably used to sail around the Arabian Sea. Seals with a pictographic script, which has not as yet been deciphered, were found at the Indus Valley sites.Similar seals were found in Mesopotamia, which seems to indicate possible trade between these two civilizations.

Marriage:In ancient India, the most popular form of marriage was called Swayamvara. In thistype of marriage, potential grooms assembled at the brides house and the bride selected her spouse. Instances of Swayamvara ceremony are found in Indias national epics, the Ramayana and Mahabharata. There were other types of marriage as well, such as Gandharva Vivaha (love marriage) and Asura Viviha (marriage by abduction).

School:Older kids, who went to school, lived at school. School (ashram) life was tough. You had to do everything yourself. There were no servants. Even princes had to wash their clothes, cook their food, and follow a rigorous course of studies. They had a lot to learn. They studied math, science, engineering, literature, art, music and religion.

Clothing was made from resources found in each region. Cotton and wool were the most abundant, since silk was not introduced from China until around the 1st century B.C.E.

Art:This ancient civilization must have hadmarvelous craftsmen,skilled in pottery, weaving, and metal working. The pottery that has been found is of very high quality, with unusually beautiful designs. Several small figures of animals, such as monkeys, have been found. These small figures could be objects of art or toys. There are also small statues of what they think are female gods. So far, scientists have found no large statues. They have found bowls made of bronze and silver, and many beads and ornaments. The metals used to make these things are not found in the Indus Valley. So, either the people who lived in this ancient civilization had to import all of these items from some other place, or more probably, had to import the metals they used to make these beautiful things from somewhere else.

Homes:Houses were one or two stories high, made of baked brick, with flat roofs, and were just about identical. Each was built around a courtyard, with windows overlooking the courtyard. The outside walls had no windows. Each home had its own private drinking well and its own private bathroom. Clay pipes led from the bathrooms to sewers located under the streets. These sewers drained into nearly rivers and streams.This was a very advanced civilization!

Choli A short blouse like garment with no back.

Mrs Donns: The Life & Times of Early Man

Food:Dinner might have been warm tasty wheat bread served with barley or rice. It would appear they were very good farmers. They grew barley, peas, melons, wheat, and dates. Farms raised cotton and kept herds of sheep, pigs, zebus (a kind of cow), and water buffalo. Fish were caught in the river with fish hooks! Each town had a large central storage building for grain. Crops were grown, andthe harvest stored centrally, for all in the town to enjoy.

and to Dr Adams,Awesome Library,for his guidance and great links!

The Red Dot on Foreheads:Have you ever wondered why Indian women place a red dot on their foreheads, between their eyes? We did, so we asked a few people what the red dot meant. Here are two replies!

Entertainment:A beautiful small bronze statue of a dancer was found, which tells us that they enjoyed dance and had great skill working with metals. In the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro, scientists have found the remains of a large central pool, with steps leading down at both ends. This could have been a public swimming pool, or perhaps have been used for religious ceremonies. Around this large central pool were smaller rooms, that might have dressing rooms, and smaller pools that might have been private baths.

They were also very smart scientists.They believed the earth was a sphere, and rotated around the sun. They also figured out that the solar year had 365.358 days. (Today, our scientists think its probably more like 365.242, which means they only missed by 3 hours!) They were great with math.Ancient India gave us the number system we use today – 9 digits, the zero, and the decimal!

Jobs:People worked on roads and other public works, but, (as they were in ancient Egypt),they were paid for their work. In the Gupta Empire, wheat was the main crop, and they kept cows for milk. This civilization produced great works of literature and marvelous works of art. Sculpture was their thing, though. They were very good at it.

Clothing:Men and women dressed in colorful robes.Women wore jewelry of gold and precious stone, and even wore lipstick! Among the treasures found was a statue of a women wearing a bracelet. (Bracelets with similar designs are worn today in India.)

Jobs:As the Aryans settled in and began to grow crops,people started to have occupations. In each tribe, people began to belong to one of four groups: the Brahmana (priests), Kshatriya (warriors), Vaishya (traders and agriculturists), and Shudra (workers). In the beginning, these were just occupations. You could move from group to group. This changed over time, until a persons occupation or group depended upon birth. If your father was a farmer, you had to be farmer. Change from one group to another became very difficult.

Sari (or Saree) A length of cloth about 2 yards by 6-10 yards (depending on the region) wrapped around the lower part of the body with the loose end being thrown or wrapped around the upper body.

What did they eat?The concept of breakfast did not exist. In earlier times, meals were both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, depending upon your religious beliefs. After the coming of Buddhism, Jainism and other pacifist religion and reforms in Hinduism, vegetarian food (strictly excluding animal and fish meat) became the norm for as much as half of the population. In the Gupta Empire, they mostly ate vegetables, cereals, fruits, breads, and drank milk.

Hirano-Drapi Ornamentation of garments.

Streets between the homes were narrow and twisted. Stalls for selling things were located on both sides of the street. People mostly walked where they wanted to go inside their village.Not only were they full of happy, busy people, they were full of animals. A monkey might sneak up and steal food right out of your hand! Imagine coming home from the market, and telling your mother that the monkeys stole the food you bought, again!

Indian Costume 2nd Edition, Popular Prakashan P. Ltd, 1966, G.S. Ghurye

Nivi Pleats in the front or back of a Sari or Dhoti.

This goes back to Aryan days! In ancient times, a groom used to apply a spot of his blood on his brides forehead, in recognition of wedlock! Today, married Indian women may choose to wear this mark. A married woman does not have to do this, but she can if she wants. However, if a woman is single, divorced or a widow, she can not wear this mark. Its a sign of marriage!(Sudheer Birodkar)

To explore the ancient city of Harappa in pictures and articles,see Harappa!

Due to the large area of India many differences in clothing emerged, mainly due to climate differences. The southern Indians wore much less than in the colder north. Women in the south rarely wore a upper garment. Northern women adopted a fitted upper garment to be worn under the loose fitting one.

What else have scientists discovered about this fascinating culture? LOTS! Their towns were laid out in grids everywhere (straight streets, well built homes!)These people were incredible builders!Scientists have found what they think are giant reservoirs for fresh water. They have also found that even the smallest house at the edge of each town was linked to that towns central drainage system. (Is it possible that they not only drained waste water out, but also had a system to pump fresh water into their homes, similar to modern plumbing? What a neat thought! Who were these people? Remember-these systems were built over 3,500 years ago!)

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