Dark Mist

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A giant Iron Crab appeared, dropping bombs everywhere it goes. What is this all about? Do something, Jumpboy!

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12 Critic Reviews (Average: 3.52/5)

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MORE BLUE : Arkedo/Pastagames answer to Avatar.

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Aussie emulation mash-up: May 12-16

Deep within the mysterious corridors of 12 unearthly labyrinths, a dark force is spreading. Countless enemies lie in wait, hidden within the swirling shadows of an all-encompassing mist, eager to destroy all who dare seek a path to the exit. Take control of Artemis, ancient goddess of the moon, in a quest to cast light upon the darkest corners of each dangerous maze. Fire arrows of pure light at deadly foes, search the depths with a magical glowing bow, activate enchanted lamps and collect secret keys on a path of enlightenment. Download Dark Mist and all will be illuminated. Rise to the top of the online leaderboards in three modes: Time Attack, Hunting and Endless. Play Time Attack and try and clear each stage within a set time limit. Unlock Hard Mode to take on an exclusive boss character.

218hardest PS3 action game (541on PS3,21826overall)

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366lowest rated PS3 action game (955on PS3,24991overall)

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