Difference Between Egypt and China

In the practice of medicine, both Egypt and China have developed remedies for all kinds of ailments. Ancient Egyptians believed that ailments were caused by curses and spells and providedamuletsand potions to fight them.

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Ancient Chinese, on the other hand, believed that ailments were caused by the imbalance of negative and positive energies, yin and yang. They treated them with herbs, acupuncture, and certain exercises which are still very popular today.

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Written by : Emelda M. and updated on March 6, 2011Articles on DifferenceBetween.net are general information, and are not intended to substitute for professional advice. The information is AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS. User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury. You agree that we have no liability for any damages.

4. They have ancient religions with Egypts being centered around the divinity of its ruler while China practiced ancestor worship.

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Both ancient civilizations practiced religion with Egypt practicing a religion that was centered around the divinity of their ruler while China had a religion that practiced ancestor worship. Today, both countries are home to different religious beliefs.

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7 CommentsMidoMarch 12, 2013 10:39 am

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3. They both practiced medicine with the Egyptians believing that ailments are caused by curses while the Chinese believed that they are caused by the imbalance of positive and negative forces in nature.

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Trade is one of the common reasons for early civilizations to expand and conquer other countries, and Egypt and China both possessed military and economic powersduringthe height of their imperial reigns.

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Ancient Egypt was known as Kemet which literally means black land. Its present name, Egypt, refers to the two straits or the separation of Upper and Lower Egypt. Ancient China was known as Cathay. Its current name, China, which means porcelain, was popularized by Marco Polo.

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5. Both practiced trade with China being the first to use paper money while Egypt used barter.

Im doing a project on China can some one help me

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There should really be more differences, the website IS called differences between Egypt and China.

1. Egypt is acountrylocated in the continent of Africa while China is a country located in the continent of Asia.

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How am I going to study with all of these words I dont know u need to space out the words I am only in 2nd grade

Both civilizations invented writing, have distinct languages, and are famous for the burial grounds or chambers for their rulers. Egypt has become popular with its pyramids which were built as burial places for Pharaohs. China is famous for its Great Wall which was constructed as defense againstattacksfrom its enemies.

Actually,the first fact in the summary is incorrect.Egypt is a transcontinental state, i.e. On both Africa and Asia

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Emelda M. Difference Between Egypt and China. . March 6, 2011

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Both countries have experienced conflict and unrest in their transition from ancient dynasties into modern democratic and socialist states. They are members of the United Nations and are involved in trade with several other nations.

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Egypt and Chinaaretwo of the worlds oldest civilizations andalsotwo of the most populated. They are both rich in natural and archeological treasures and, as great empires, have left big impacts in history.

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2. Both are ancient civilizations which are famous for their dynasties with Egypt having Pharaohs and kings while China had emperors and queens.

China is one of the first civilizations to use paper money. In fact, the oldest known paper money was found in China while the use of money was not known in Egypt until 1000 BC. Barter, the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services, was the norm. Today, both Egypt and China are active members and participants of world trade.

Therecanbe no doubt that they have differences in economic, cultural, natural, and historical aspects. These differences have helped shape what these countries and their people have become in their long history and existence.

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