Egyptian Antiquities

aprs 1345 avant J.-C. (aprs lan 9 du rgne)

vers 1350 avant J.-C. (an 3 5 du rgne)

Publishing & Audiovisual Productions

1069 – 332 avant J.-C. (aprs le Nouvel Empire)

Sub-departmentPeriod, themeObjects from everyday lifeChristian Egypt (fourth – twelfth centuries AD)Roman Egypt (30 BC – AD 392)From the late prehistoric period to the late Middle Kingdom (circa 3800 – 1710 BC)The final Pharaonic dynasties and the Ptolemaic period (circa 1069 – 30 BC)The New Kingdom (circa 1550 to circa 1069 BC)Religious and funerary beliefs

Nouvel Empire, 18me dynastie, rgne de Thoutmosis III,…

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HomeCollection & Louvre PalaceCuratorial DepartmentsEgyptian Antiquities

Entre 1500 et 1200 avant J.-C. (Nouvel Empire)

Comparer deux œuvres autour du thme de la Nativit

Image: Portrait de momie – image Player Multimedia

fragment de pilier dun difice bâti …

Dcouvrir le Louvre – Visites guides

Image: La desse Hathor accueille Sthi Ier

Image: Stle de Tapret, Atoum, Nout

rgne de Nectanbo Ier ? (379 – 361 avant J.-C.), 30e…

Dcouvrir le Louvre – Louvre, mode demploi

Image: Tte dun sphinx du roi Didoufri – Image Player multimdia

© 2005-2011 Muse du Louvre – Tous droits de reproduction rservs

The Department of Egyptian Antiquities presents vestiges from the civilizations that developed in the Nile Valley from the late prehistoric era (c. 4000 BC) to the Christian period (4th century AD).

Dcouvrir le Louvre – Missions et projets

Image: Statue colossale de Ramss II

Image: Statue pilier : Amenophis IV Akhenaton – image Player Multimedia

Image: Statue du scribe accroupi [face] [aprs restauration]

Image: Momie recouverte de ses cartonnages

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