Life in Bible Times

Megiddo horn of ivory and gold. (Palestine Archaeological Museum). Cf. I Sam.16:13..

Alabaster jars – cf Mt.27.7, Mk.14.3, Lk.7.37.

Several varieties of basket are denoted by different Hebrew words in the Old Testament. The commonest were woven of reeds, palm leaves or, like this one, of withes for strength.. They were large and flat for easy carriage on the head. An early photograph.

Tear-shaped bottles, reminiscent of Psalm 56.8.

Pottery imitation of an alabastron, or alabaster vessel..

Egyptian boxes of (from top to bottom) Papyrus, Wood veneered with ivory and Ebony..

Bottles formed of the skins of animals.

Woman decanting perfumes, on Roman fresco. 1st century AD..

Ancient Greek and Roman alabaster boxes.

This pottery jar used for storage of olive oil was found during excavations on the site of Beth-shemesh at Ain Shems. An early photograph..

Glazed Ware and Pottery from the Golden Age of Assyria.

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