Light fixture

Light fixture

Cove light recessed into the ceiling in a long box against a wall.

Old table lamps at Archaeological Museum, Sri Lanka

Torch lamp ortorchiresare floor lamps with an upward facing shade. They provide general lighting to the rest of the room.

Background light for use invideo production

Searchlight(for military and advertising use)

Articles needing additional references from May 2016

High- and low-bay lighting typically used for general lighting for industrial buildings and oftenbig-box stores

andhigh-intensity discharge lamp(HID)

Track lightingfixture individual fixtures (track heads) can be positioned anywhere along the track, which provides electric power.

Fixtures may also have a switch to control the light, either attached to the lamp body or attached to the power cable. Permanent light fixtures, such as dining room chandeliers, may have no switch on the fixture itself, but rely on a wall switch.

Balanced-arm lampis a spot light with an adjustable arm such asanglepoi搜索引擎优化rLuxo L1.

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Light fixtures may also have other features, such asreflectorsfor directing the light, anaperture(with or without alens), an outer shell or housing for lamp alignment and protection, anelectrical ballastorpower supply, and a shade to diffuse the light or direct it towards a workspace (e.g., a desk lamp). A wide variety of special light fixtures are created for use in theautomotive lightingindustry,aerospace, marine andmedicinesectors.

A large number of light fixtures and lamps at a store.

High-mast, usuallypole- orstanchion-mounted for landscape, roadways, and parking lots

History of street lighting in the United States

Surface-mountedlight the finished housing is exposed, not flush with surface

Early industry leaders, of fluorescent fixture manufacturing, Paul Levy (1998)

A decorative outdoor lamp atLeeds Town Hall.

Outdoor lightingandlandscape lighting used to illuminate walkways,parking lotsroadways, building exteriors and architectural details,gardens, andparks. Outdoor light fixtures can also include forms similar to indoor lighting, such as pendants, flush or close-to-ceiling light fixtures, wall-mounted lanterns and dome lights.

Sconce provide up or down lights; can be used to illuminate artwork, architectural details; commonly used inhallwaysor as an alternative to overhead lighting.

Special purpose:heat lampGlobargas mantle

Fixture manufacturing began soon after production of theincandescent light bulb. When practical uses of fluorescent lighting were realized after 1924, the three leading companies to produce various fixtures wereLightolierArtcraft Fluorescent Lighting Corporation, and Globe Lighting in the United States.1

Accent light Any directional light that highlights an object or attracts attention to a particular area

Fixtures require anelectrical connectionto a power source, typicallyAC mainspower, but some run on battery power for camping or emergency lights. Permanent lighting fixtures are directly wired. Movable lamps have aplugand cord that plugs into a wall socket.

Betty lampbutter lampcarbide lampgas lightingkerosene lampoil lamprush lighttorchcandleLimelightgas mantle

Troffer recessed fluorescent light fixtures, usually rectangular in shape to fit into a drop ceiling grid.

Display Case or Showcase light shows merchandise on display within an enclosed case such as jewelry, grocery stores, and chain stores.

A-lampParabolic aluminized reflector lampPAR), reflector lamp (R), bulged reflector lamp (BR) (refer to lamp shapes)

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Enclosed ceiling dome The translucent dome mates with a ring that is mounted flush with the ceiling

Emergency lightingorexit sign connected to abattery backupor to an electric circuit that hasemergency powerif themains powerfails

A gardensolar lampis an example of landscape lighting

Obsolete types:limelightcarbon button lampMazda (light bulb)Nernst glower

Alight fixture(US English),light fitting(UK English), orluminaireis an electrical device that contains anelectric lampthat providesillumination. All light fixtures have a fixture body and one or more lamps. The lamps may be in sockets for easy replacementor, in the case of someLEDfixtures, hard-wired in place.

Ceiling fan- May sometimes have a light, often referred to as a light kit mounted to it.

Mercury-vapor lampMetal-halideHMIHQICDM),Sodium vaporor high-pressure sodium

Table lamp fixtures, standard lamp fixtures, and office task light luminaires.

Pendant light suspended from the ceiling with a chain or pipe

Emergency light-provides minimal light to a building during a power outage.

Open ceiling dome the translucent dome is suspended a short distance below the ceiling by a mechanism that is hidden with the exception of a screw-knob or other device appearing on the outer dome face, and pulling this knob releases the dome

Ceiling Dome Also called the light source(s) are hidden behind a translucent dome typically made of glass, with some combination of frosting and surface texturing to diffuse the light. These can be flush-mount fixtures mounted into the ceiling, or semi-flush fixtures separated by a small distance (usually about 3-12).

Dimmer(this allows the user to make a light brighter or dimmer, typically using a rotary dial)

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This article is about architectural light fixtures. For stage lighting, seeStage lighting instrument.

Strip lights or Industrial lighting often long lines of fluorescent lamps used in awarehou搜索引擎优化rfactory

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Cans with a variety of lamps this term is jargon for inexpensivedownlightingproducts that are recessed into the ceiling, or sometimes for uplights placed on the floor. The name comes from the shape of the housing. The term pot lights is often used in Canada and parts of the US.

Light fixtures are classified by how the fixture is installed, the light function or lamp type.

Fluorescent lampcompact fluorescent lamp(CFL),Induction lampblacklight.

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Christmas lights-also called fairy lights or twinkle lights and are often used atChristmasand other holidays for decoration.

Tiffany dragonfly desk lampwith pigeon sculptures

special class of incandescent lamps

Under-cabinet light mounted below kitchen wall cabinets

Recessed light the protective housing is concealed behind a ceiling or wall, leaving only the fixture itself exposed. The ceiling-mounted version is often called a downlight.

Look at the Chart and Pick Out the Reflector You Need

Light switch(often part of the light socket orpower cordon portable fixtures)

Bollard A type of architectural outdoor lighting that is a short, upright ground-mounted unit typically used to provide cutoff type illumination for egress lighting, to light walkways, steps, or other pathways.

, February 1919, page 75,Google Books

This page was last edited on 5 April 2018, at 04:53

Light-emitting diode(LED) (solid-state lighting)

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Portable light fixtures are often calledlamps, as intable lampordesk lamp. Intechnical terminology, thelampis the light source, which, in casual terminology, is called thelight bulb. TheInternational Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) recommends the termluminairefor technical use.

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