Innovation meets tradition with extreme attention to detail and high quality components. Each chandelier is guaranteed by theTrademark of OriginVetro Artistico® Murano in accordance with Italian law, as well as the glassmakers certificate and YourMuranos defect warranty.
Let us help you find and choose the ideal Murano Glass lighting solution to fit your unique needs.
All of our chandeliers are shipped with a few spare parts, just in case! We also designed these chandeliers especially for online purchasing, standardizing the fittings to ensure that replacement pieces can be produced quickly and easily.
Quick and easy installation, international safety compliance andexpert technical assistancemake our service the most complete to accompany a top quality product.
The exceptional quality of our fully customizable products, always guaranteed by the Trademark of Origin, will make your dreams come true!
Of course! All our chandeliers are fully customizable, from the number of lights to the shapes and details, with personalized dimensions and colors that fit your unique decor needs.
Featuring classic Venetian as well as modern designs, created to complement any space, our chandeliers have been designed with care to offer awide range of personalization options, to satisfy even the most demanding clients.
Our expert team is dedicated to excellent customer care, from the first steps in designing and choosing your perfect chandelier all the way to secure delivery and assistance for installation, anywhere in the world.
An innovative new line of chandelierscreated by the most renowned master glassmakers, in Murano Island. All chandeliers in this collection are carefully crafted by hand according to the ancient techniques that have made Murano glass chandeliers legendary all over the world.
Yes, in fact our entire lighting collection has been designed specifically with the online customer in mind, for ease of assembly and installation. Of course, you can always count on our expert team to support you in your every need.