The New Testament

The root Resh-Ayin-Shin means to quake. The noun, derived from the root, means quaking.

Discuss the Hebrew and/or Aramaic origins of the New Testament as well as the Hebraicness of the text.

sorry i mean Shin. just by itself. but he also said to me, YirmeYahu and a few minutes later he said Hoshea.

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i could hear the earth shaking like i was in the quake myself. and all of a sudden it stopped. then i woke up and asked aloud. who was that women in the earthquake.

The Northridge-Santa-Monica earthquake was so loud we didnt even realize that our bookcases were falling over until it was over.

well, there was an earthquake the day of this message i received. hmmm this is getting weird.

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she asked for yahusha hamishiach to stop this earthquake and to save them from this. then i seen a bright light shine in the room (no one else could see this light) and the earthquake stopped. mind you the whole room was shaking stuff was falling.

pls answer my question about my name in hebrew /thread/5446/name-western-hebrew

thank you for your help. i will bring more here when i receive.

i had a dream yesterday while i was sleeping, that i was in an office building during an earthquake. i (the person i was viewing) got underneath a desk and pulled someone else underneath a desk too and i could hear this persons prayers.

In answer to your question about where I get my information about Hebrew words…I speak modern Hebrew, I understand Biblical Hebrew and some Aramaic, and I amassed a lot of Hebrew dictionaries and lexicons during my years in rabbinical school.

Oh, רעש! Yes, that can mean loud noise or earthquake probably because earthquakes can be really loud. I grew up in Southern CA, so I know this from personal experience.

Can any body tell me me how many roots of hebrew.oirigin roots.?

michele; that is a very significant statement that you made: i.e., i speak modern hebrew, i understand biblical hebrew; on multiple levels.

awesome! michele, if he speaks anything else into me i will be sure to ask right here in this shoutbox what it means. thank you so much for helping me.

is there somewhere on the net that you all are getting this information from about the meanings of it?

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