The Night Of City Light Neon Locker Screen Theme for Android

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The Night Of City Light Neon Locker Screen Theme

Replace the home screen on your Android device with one you control and can customize.

a.dln-a:download_now_button_click; var downloadNowExcludedClasses = [offsite-enabled,offsite-webpage,offsite-visitSite]; function fireTrackDownloadClick(selectorIdlTypeArray, selector, selectedElement, isOffsitePopup) return function(e) var offsitePopup = isOffsitePopup false; var callBack = null; var self = selectedElement; var anchor = null; // get the first anchor inside of the selectedElement var anchors = self.getElementsByTagName(a); if (anchors.length

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The Night Of City Light Neon Locker Screen Theme for Android

Main characteristics: Fashion mobile phone theme application concept can also be reminded to keep up with the trend, also remind people of keeping healthy body and happy mood, offering the coolest and most diverse themes and plug-in support. High-tech gesture support and intelligent voice support, personalized design of the toolbar and a variety of shortcut keys to enhance your taste and knowledge. In the application store can also be found in cool street graffiti and golden rose painting and other fashion perfect theme application. Features are: City night neon theme has a 3D dynamic deep black and charming night sky wallpaper, blue red hazy stars, dotted with numerous bright stars, there are big stars and small taxies, a dazzling light let people admire the vastness of the universe, help people think of the Milky Way, think of Mercury Mars Venus and other planets;City night neon theme has 3D touch of beautiful neon icons, nostalgic texture of the gradient blue icon, surrounded by bright yellow and orange combination of neon lights, reflecting the fierce contrast of ancient city civilization and modern technology, make the picture is more sparkling and shining;Night stars in the dark black background, a small star is shining like an animal eye, just like countless lights lit the night, people like cool and quiet night in hot summer, falling snowflakes in cold winter night guide people back to their hometown;There are a few bright stars in the sky, proud and lonely, so they are so prominent in the sea and oceans of stars, like those particularly smart students and lovely children, full of hope and vitality, guiding people to chase and realize the dream, like birds and butterflies flying high in the sky, the moon and star is precious and luxurious like diamond and jewelry, pure and clear like crystal, help people appreciate and cherish the good life at the same time ;The modern architecture in the wallpaper embodies the wisdom of mankind and the crystallization of thought, the rails lying on the road, and the meandering straight to the distance, as the ruler guides the direction, with the heavy metal train carrying people and goods, improve the development of modern material and economic civilization;There are metal railroad tracks, iron trains, steel and silver carriages. There are rubber wheels, the roadside convenience stores and also stone road, with street lamps and wood bridges, slender wires, etc, like a beautiful landscapes, like the old Shanghai and Hong Kong, like the old movie in the famous scene which will bring memories of people to the last century;Style design makes the phone more unique, as if back to that era, then, we crazy obsessed with some stars, enjoy a variety of performances with best friends and dear lovers;Classical nostalgic picture, remind you of New York, Paris and London, think of Singapore and Tokyo, neon lights against the international metropolis, make the phone screen more fascinating. People need high skills and technology to continue to promote social development, so we need think and continuous progress;Cool fashionable picture, full of rock and hip-hop style, the favorite thing of the young people, but also a precious memory to the old friends, give the phone a brand new desktop wallpaper, leading the same trend. How to apply this City night neon theme? The new clock weather in pure clear and clean way to let you see the nice week weather better future and happy mood. Theme software game application center for you to choose the hottest game software and other mobile phone housekeeper cleaning master application lock flashlight clock and so are interesting and practical. Sound effects of rock music and unique personalized design of the dynamic sound theme to make your phone super coolThe new clock weather in pure clear and clean way to let you see the nice week weather better future and happy mood. Download this personality theme.

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1) return tuple[1]; return null; function parentHasClass(element, excludedClasses) var hasClass = false; for (var i = 0; i

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0) anchor = anchors[0]; // DWNDSO-3221 addresses the DLNow anchor being clickable before the full // DLNow JS is loaded. The href attr is now data-href. Here we reassign it // to an href attr. var downloadNowLink = selectedElement.querySelector(.dln-a), href= downloadNowLink.getAttribute(href), datahref= downloadNowLink.getAttribute(data-href); // If the element has an href, do not alter it. It is needed for P2P offsite // visit site functionality (redirect to 3055 page and open offsite page // in a new tab). if (!href && datahref) downloadNowLink.setAttribute(href, datahref); if erAgent.indexOf(MSIE) !== -1) if (!offsitePopup) if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); var directDownload = false; var fileUrl = self.getAttribute(data-dl-url); var pdl = getValueFromKey(, pdl, directDownload = (selectedElement.getAttribute(data-noredirect) === true) && (pdl === null pdl !== 1) ; fileUrl = selectedElement.getAttribute(data-dl-url); var pdlParam = getUrlParam(, pdl); var dataNoRedirect = self.getAttribute(data-noredirect); if (self.getAttribute(data-product-id) === 10019223 && (dataNoRedirect !== null && dataNoRedirect !== false) && (pdlParam === null pdlParam !== 1)) directDownload = true; if (self.getAttribute(data-use-href)) callBack = function () window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); ; else if (!hasClass(anchor, init)) if (!offsitePopup) if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; anchor.className = anchor.className + init; anchor.setAttribute(href, self.getAttribute(data-pdl-no-dl)); anchor.setAttribute(onclick, + fileUrl + , dlnow, toolbar=0,location=no,directories=0,status=0,scrollbars=no,resizable=0,width=200,height=200,top=0,left=0);); fireEvent(anchor, click); return false; callBack = function () if (offsitePopup) fireEvent(anchor, click); var pdlRedir = self.getAttribute(pdl-redir); if (pdlRedir != null) window.location = pdlRedir; else window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else if (directDownload === false) window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else // TODO: remove the init class so redirect excluded product can download again //self.removeClass(init); window.location = fileUrl; ; else if (!offsitePopup) e.preventDefault(); callBack = function() if (offsitePopup) var pdlRedir = self.getAttribute(pdl-redir); if (pdlRedir != null) window.location = pdlRedir; else window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else try require([components/downloadNowButton-2.0], function(dlNow) dlNow.downloadClickEvent(e, selectedElement); ); catch (err) window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); ; om.trackDownloadClick( idlType: selectorIdlTypeArray[selector], softwareId:self.getAttribute(data-om-version-id), softwareProductId:self.getAttribute(data-om-product-set-id), softwareName:self.getAttribute(data-om-product-name), udlSerial:self.getAttribute(data-om-version-id) + getSessionId(), searchSerpPage:, searchSerpPosition:self.parentElement.getAttribute(data-position), pageEventDreClick: selectorIdlTypeArray[selector] == dre_dln_btn_clk? 1 : 0 , true, callBack); function fireEvent(element, event) var evt = null; if (document.createEvent) // dispatch for firefox + others evt = document.createEvent(HTMLEvents); evt.initEvent(event, true, true ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable return !element.dispatchEvent(evt); else // dispatch for IE evt = document.createEventObject(); return element.fireEvent(on+event, evt); for (var selector in selectorIdlTypeArray) if (selectorIdlTypeArray.hasOwnProperty(selector)) var selectedElements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = 0; i

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