She really stands out in that orange coat.Tout le monde la remarque avec ce manteau orange.
She couldnt get to the meeting so she sent me as her stand-in.
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Dont be afraid to stand up for your rights.
There was a hamburger stand at the entrance to the station.
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INSEPle 16/06/2014 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=2609941 tgtl=1036 srcl=1033 eo=000000 uid=483262 /
(=be better than others)se distinguer
I cant stand all this noise.Je ne supporte pas tout ce bruit.
to leave sth to standlaisser reposer qch
Reverso Teamle 12/11/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1785742 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
ngnrateurmde secoursstand-by passenger
(=be valid) 1. (offer, decision) rester valable ; tenir toujours ; tenir encore 2. (law) sappliquer toujours ; rester dactualit
Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time.La sagesse ancestrale a rsist lpreuve du temps.
Reverso Teamle 03/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1527600 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
to stand for parliamentse prsenter aux lections(comme candidat la dputation)
vt fus(=be abbreviation of)tre labrviation de
Voir le dtail et ajouter un commentaire. onclick=sD(3_TRS, 1449057);
[Coll.] Our original offer stands = notre premire offre est encore valable/reste valable.billyboyle 17/03/2017 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=3712870 tgtl=1036 srcl=1033 eo=000000 uid=157658 /
Women do not normally break into the big time by doing stand-up comedy.
[+test, wear and tear, strain, comparison]rsisterVoir le dtail et ajouter un commentaire. onclick=sD(OP_8_TRS, 1527600);
The lamp stood in the middle of the room.La lampe se trouvait au milieu de la pice.
(=continue to support)ne pas abandonner
Utilisez le dictionnaire Anglais-Français de Reverso pour traduire stand et beaucoup dautres mots. Vous pouvez complter la traduction de stand propose par le dictionnaire Collins Anglais-Français en consultant dautres dictionnaires spcialiss dans la traduction des mots et des expressions : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins, Merriam-Webster …
n(mainly US)stationfde taxisumbrella stand
stand asidemusic standnight standcab stand
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Weve got a stand at the International Book Fair.
We dont stand a chance.Nous navons aucune chance.
I cant stand him.Je ne peux pas le voir.
Reverso Teamle 08/08/2011 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1021261 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
If you really want to move out, I wont stand in your way.
He kept on nagging until I couldnt stand it any longer.
to stand to lose sthrisquer de perdre qch
I managed to get a seat in the Members Stand.
adjdistant(e), froid(e)stand-up, standup
stand galement trouv dans les traductions du dictionnaire Français-Anglais
Stand up for your rights!Dfendez vos droits!
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stand upvi(=be upright)tre debout
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to stand sb a drinkoffrir boire qn
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to stand at[value, level, score]tre de, atteindre
Its an important issue and you must be prepared to take a stand on it.
He stands to make a lot of money.Il a des chances de gagner beaucoup dargent., Il peut gagner beaucoup dargent.
Reverso Teamle 02/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1449057 tgtl=1036 srcl=1033 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
He was standing by the door.Il tait la porte.
She was invited to stand as the Liberal candidate.
He stood the bottle on the bench beside him.Il posa la bouteille sur le banc côt de lui.
Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Anglais – Français
Translation in contextTraduccin en contextoTraduzione in contestobersetzung im KontextTradução em contextoVertaling in context Tłumaczenie w kontekście,
Reverso Teamle 02/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1449058 tgtl=1036 srcl=1033 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
Unemployment in some areas now stands at 38%.Le chômage dans certaines rgions atteint dsormais les 38%.
We were to have dinner together, but he stood me up
Our original offer stands.Notre premire offre est encore valable., Notre premire offre reste valable.
(to put sth on, for plant, statue)supportm,(for lamp)piedm,(for hats, coats)portemanteaum(sur pied)
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Im prepared to stand down in favour of a younger candidate.
This carpet stands up to the wear and tear of continual use.
to stand to gain sthavoir des chances de gagner qch
Few people are yet aware of how much we stand to lose by this agreement.
We waited standing up for an hour.Nous avons attendu debout pendant une heure.
Reverso Teamle 03/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1541326 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
The house stands alone on the hill.La maison se trouve isole sur la colline., La maison se dresse isole sur la colline.
Reverso Teamle 08/08/2011 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=993903 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
The judge asked us all to stand.Le juge nous demanda tous de nous lever.
TranslationTraduccinTraduzionebersetzungTraduçãoPřekladTraducere Online,
viscarterstand byvi(=be ready)se tenir prt(e)
He still hasnt said where he stands.Il na toujours pas dit quelle est sa position l-dessus.
to stand sb a mealoffrir un repas qn
If they try to make you resign, well stand by you.
BT stands for British Telecom.BT est labrviation de British Telecom.
to stand in the way of sthtre un obstacle qch
I put down my glass and stood up.Jai pos mon verre et me suis lev., Jai pos mon verre et me suis mis debout.
Reverso Teamle 22/07/2009 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=47568 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
What does CSE stand for?Que veut dire CSE?
(=do nothing)rester l sans rien faire
I said I would do it and I stand by my promise.
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vi(=be noticeable)ressortir, se dtacher
Reverso Teamle 03/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1623263 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
npassager(-re)m/fen stand-by, passager(-re)m/fen attentestand-in
A number of hats hung from a stand.
In the middle of the town stands a splendid Victorian building.
He does all kinds of accents, he can do jokes – he could be a stand-up comic …
Dictionnaire Collaboratif Anglais-Français
I wont stand for it!Je ne supporterai pas ça!
to stand in sbs way(fig)se mettre en travers du chemin de qn
to know where one stands, No one knows where they stand with him.Personne ne sait quoi sen tenir avec lui.
[Sport]; [Football] I managed to get a seat in the Members Stand.They oppose capitalism and all that it stands for.
Voir le dtail et ajouter un commentaire. onclick=sD(0_TRS, 2609941);
Stand by with lots of water in case a fire breaks out.
as things standdans ltat actuel des choses
n(sex)liaisonfsans lendemainstand aside
Voir le dtail et ajouter un commentaire. onclick=sD(OP_2_TRS, 1632200);
(British)(=be candidate)se prsenter
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(MILITARY)rsistancef(SPORT, for spectators)tribunef
All the contestants were good, but none of them stood out.Tous les concurrents taient bons, mais aucun ne sest distingu.
[claim, accusations, evidence]tre valablevt sepVoir le dtail et ajouter un commentaire. onclick=sD(1_TRS, 1449058);
I wont stand for any more of your disobedience.
Reverso Teamle 03/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1488292 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
Reverso Teamle 03/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1517651 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
Will you stand in for me at todays meeting?
Voir le dtail et ajouter un commentaire. onclick=sD(OP_4_TRS, 1021261);
taxi standstationfde taxisvb(stoodpt, pp)vi(=be upright)
music standpupitrem(=witness box)barref
We cannot stand by and watch while our allies are attacked.
Reverso Teamle 03/10/2012 class=optnsO onclick=ecm(this); eid=1632200 tgtl=1033 srcl=1036 eo=000000 uid=26859 /
supporter (vt.) ; tre debout (vi.)
The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.Cette salade est meilleure si vous la prparez lavance et la laissez reposer.
The name on the van stood out clearly.
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