Welcome to A Tribute To All Things Carbide!

NEW! OnLine Store OR Lamp-Tramp Catalog – Take your pick! True to the original reproductions of all Carbide Lamp & Mining related marketing items can now be purchased for your collection. Brochures, Catalogs, Ads, Billheads, Various Letters & Papers, Posters, as well as Mining Images. Visit Lamp-Tramp Catalog today!

I simply wish to help preserve this rich history and share it with others. So to that end I hope that you enjoy this website, dedicated to the carbide lamp and those that toiled underground with nothing but its warm glow and a pickaxe…

As a caver that started out using a Premiere carbide lamp in the early 1990s and currently use a Petzl carbide generator Paint Burner lamp, the pure simple beauty of these old lamps is hard to compare. The warm glow from the carbide flame definitely takes one back to the time when this country was built on the backs of the miners, their pickaxes and their shovels. Manually taking the natural ores that would help to make this country what it is today. The relatively short history of the carbide lamp was colorful, filled with both numerous styles of lamps and the colorful characters that used them.

Welcome to A Tribute To All Things Carbide!

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