Edward Miller Company of Meriden Conneticuit USA

If you have any suggestions, photographs of lamps, or require any advise regarding Miller Lamps or wish to use any of the information on this website please do not hesitate in contacting Stuart at

A study of the Miller Central draught burner

(c) Stuart William Driver, 2007 – 2011 – All information on this website is protected by copyright.  Reproduction or copying without permission is prohibited.

I am now able to offer DOMESTIC POSTAGE for a range of parts and accessories from Maine U.S.A. (zip 04097).  I thank all of my customers who are from the USA and am pleased I can now offer significant savings on postage.

– The Empress Lamp- The Non Explosive Lamp- The New Vestal Lamp

If restoration of your lamp is beyond you, I offer a restoration service where I will, where-ever possible, return you Miller lamp to its former glory and in as a cost effective manner as possible.  I am also able to offer parts and assistance in the restoration of other American central draught lamps (Rayo, success, Bradley and Hubbard etc.) and the numerous brands and types of other lamps (English and American Duplex, flat wick, European Kosmos, Aladdin Lamps to mention a few.

– Kerosene and Oil lamp makers and owners of the following brands:



Winner of the Best Display 2008 NSW StateShow Masters Section -Kerosene Lamps by Edward Miller

Brands of the Miller company explained has been reworked and updated.  Photographs patent types and lamp inscriptions to identify your lamp are now included.

– The Gaskell Lamp- The Home Lamp- The Ideal Lamp

I believe that what you collect, you should enjoy and appreciate, and do so every day – so if you have a lamp, get it out of that box, put it on display and even use it from time to time.

As a collector of Miller lamps I was surprised not to be able to find a web site dedicated to these wonderful and very collectable kerosene lamps.  In time I hope to develop this site into a reference resourse specifically for Miller lamps, including the companys history and a photographic index of his lamps.  I hope also that this site might become a contact place for fellow collectors to assist all of us in our endevours to restore and collect these lamps.

Recently my website underwent a compulsory host server change.  This process has scrambled some of my pages, lost others and altered the location of some of the photographs, making my site a bit of a mess.  Please be patient as I work through the many issues that this change has caused, and in the mean time – please do not hesitate to continue to email me with your questions pertaining to kerosene lamps – particularly those made by Edward Miller.

before using information from this website to sell your lamp, please follow these guidelines-Ebay Guidelines

near Molong, between Orange and Dubbo in New South Wales, Australia (see(Cabonne Country).  I specialise in the restoration and repair of lamps made by Edward Miller and Company (E.M. & Co.), particularly his central draught lamps of the 1890s and have been doing so for nearly twenty years.

Member: Australian Lamplighters Guild

As a result I now sell kerosene lamps, and all manner of accessories, both original and reproduction and offer a restoration service for your lamp, regardless of its brand.I also have in stock chimneys, wicks, original and reproduction shades and other lamp hardware to restore your lamp to its former glory.  Please view the parts and accessories page to this website.  To ensure a safe and secure trading environment I am happy for any purchase or trade to go through ebay.

In recent years my expertise and knowledge regarding Miller lamps has been sort by collectors, both those specifically interested in kerosene lamps, and those whose interest includes such lamps (that is collectors of Victoriana).  Within Australia I have been requested to write articles for major Antique Magazines about the lamps made by Edward Miller and Company.  The Miller Lamp was marketed as the best lamp in the world.

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I am more than happy to be contacted by any collector of Miller lamps.  To build up a reference source of lamps I am happy to include a photograph of your lamp should it not already appear on this site.  I am also more than happy to hear from anybody who is attempting to restore a Miller lamp, or who requires either original or reproduction parts for their lamps.  If I dont have it, I will attempt to obtain it for you, and as cheap as possible.  I am also happy to share my experience and knowledge.

I am a collector of kerosene (oil) lamps and live

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