Homosexuality in ancient Egypt

LGBT history in the UKMolly houseBloomsbury Group in LGBT historySea queensUK Gay Liberation Front 1971 Festival of Light action)

Like Bread on the Seder Plate: Jewish Lesbians and the Transformation of Tradition

Altägyptische Märchen. Mythen und andere volkstmliche Erzählungen

. Columbia University Press, New York 1997,ISBN0231096615, page 1736.

A well known story, dating back to theMiddle Kingdom, tells about an anonymous citizen, who comes to the audience hall of kingPepi II(here named by his birth name,Neferkar). The citizen wants to lament about an unnamed circumstance, but the king does not want to listen to the laments, so he orders his royal musicians to drown the strangers speech with noise. Disappointed, the stranger leaves the palace. When this happens several times, he orders his friend, the high officialTjeti, to follow the king. The king in turn is frequently leaving the palace during the night. Tjeti finds out that king Pepi II keeps visiting his loyal general officerSasenetfor several hours, then returning home.[3]

Egyptologists and historians disagree about how to interpret the paintings of Nyankh-khnum and Khnum-hotep. Some scholars believe that the paintings reflect an example of homosexuality between two married men and prove that the ancient Egyptians accepted same-sex relationships.[2]Other scholars disagree and interpret the scenes as an evidence that Nyankh-khnum and Khnum-hotep weretwins, even possiblyconjoined twins. No matter what interpretation is correct, the paintings show at the very least that Nyankh-khnum and Khnum-hotep must have been very close to each other in life as in death.[1]

In Talmudic literature, the ancient Egyptians are known for their liberal sexual lifestyles and are often used as the prime example of sexual debauchery.Rashidescribes an Egyptian practice for women to have multiple husbands.Maimonidesrefers to lesbianism as the acts of Egypt. While polyandry and lesbianism are characteristics of the ancient Egyptians, male-male homosexual relationships are usually attributed toSodomGomorrah, andAmalek.[5]

. 10th Edition. Diederichs, Munich 1991,ISBN3-424-01011-1, pp.178179.

is a passionately disputed subject withinEgyptology: historians and egyptologists alike debate what kind of view the ancient Egyptians society fostered abouthomosexuality. Only a handful of direct hints still survive and many possible indications are only vague and offer plenty of room for speculation.

LGBT history in PolandOperation Hyacinth)

A further famous story about same-sex intercourse can be found in theKahun Papyri, dating back to the Middle Kingdom. It contains the nearly completely preserved story of theOsiris mythand the legendary fight for the throne of Egypt betweenHorusandSeth. The chapter in question reports that Seth was unutterably jealous about his young nephew Horus, because Horus was very young and popular. He was quite pampered by the other gods. Seth instead had very few companions and he was comparatively unpopular because of his choleric and vindictive behaviour. As a result, Seth tried to either chase away or even kill Horus, no matter what the cost. When Seth constantly fails, he plans to humiliate his rival so badly that Horus would be banned from Egypt forever. Seth invites Horus to a party and convinces the teenage Horus to drink more than Horus could normally cope with. When Horus is drunk, Seth seduces him to sleep over the night in one bed together. When lying together in one bed, Seth grabs Horus and rapes him. But Horus has tricked Seth; his drunkenness was staged. He catches Seths semen with his hands and hides it. Next morning, Horus runs to his Mother,Isis, to tell her what happened. Isis is first speechless with rage and disbelief. Then she tells Horus to masturbate, using his semen to lubricate Seths favorite food (Egyptian lettuce). Totally clueless, Seth eats the manipulated lettuce, then he goes to the divine court to inform on Horus. At first, the divine judges swear at Horus, but whenThoth, the scribe of the court, calls for Seths semen to emerge from the body of Horus, instead the semen of Horus emerges from the body of Seth . Seth blushes in embarrassment and shock, then flees. Horus is acquitted.[1][3]

The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA)

PederastyAthenian pederastyCretan pederastyPederasty in ancient Greece)

Timeline of LGBT history(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender related history)

LGBT history in ChinaHomosexuality in China)

United NationsYogyakarta Principles

Homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

Homosexual Desire and Middle Kingdom Literature

Sex and Gender in Ancient Egypt: Don Your Wig for a Joyful Hour

List of LGBT rights articles by region

. The Classical Press of Wales.ISBN41.

Lesbiangaybisexual, andtransgenderLGBT) topics

LGBT history in PeruHomosexuality in ancient Peru)

Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep – Evidence of Gay Relationships Exists as Early as 2400 B.C.?

LGBT history in IsraelDavid and Jonathan)

LGBT history in GreeceHomosexuality in ancient GreeceHomosexuality in the militaries of ancient Greece)

,vol. 1). LIT, Berlin 2003,ISBN3-8258-6132-5, pp.187191.

LGBT history in ItalyHomosexuality in ancient RomeLex ScantiniaSexuality in ancient Rome)

Einfhrung in die altägyptische Literaturgeschichte

It remains unclear, what exact view the ancient Egyptians fostered about homosexuality. Any document and literature that actually contains sexual orientated stories, never name the nature of the sexual deeds, but instead uses stilted and flowery paraphrases. While the stories about Seth and his sexual behavior may reveal rather negative thoughts and views, the tomb inscription of Nyankh-khnum and Khnum-hotep may instead suggest that homosexuality was likewise accepted. Ancient Egyptian documents never clearly say that same-sex relationships were seen as reprehensible or despicable. No ancient Egyptian document mentions that homosexual acts were set under penalty. Thus, a straight evaluation remains problematic.[1][3]

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This page was last edited on 17 May 2018, at 07:18.

Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures

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The chapter in which king Pepi II visits his loyal general officer is subject of passionate discussions. Especially one certain phrase stays in the centre of investigations: the text says, that his majesty went into Sasenets house and did to him what his majesty desired. The phrase doing what one desires is a common flowery phrase to describe sex.[4]For this reason, some scholars are convinced, that the papyrus reveals king Pepis homosexual interests and his same-sex relationship to his general officer.[1]But other scholars are instead convinced, that the passage is merely an allegoric pun to religious texts, in which the sun godRâvisits the underworld godOsirisduring the middle four hours of the night. Thus, king Pepi II would be taking the role of Râ and Sasenet would take the role of Osiris. The phrase doing what one desires would therefore be overrated and misinterpreted.[3]

LGBT rights by country or territory

Significant acts of violence against LGBT people

Einfhrungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie

Timeline of sexual orientation and medicine

Stonewall riotsList of LGBT actions in the United States prior to the Stonewall riots)

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The famous rape of Horus by his jealous uncle is also subject of passionate discussions. While most scholars agree that the papyrus clearly describes rape, it must remain open, if it actually describes a homosexually driven deed. Background of the dispute are Seths motives: he does not love Horus; in contrast, he hates his nephew and the rape was clearly performed to humiliate Horus. The only common ground between the rape and homosexuality is that the act was of same-sex nature.[3]But some scholars are not so sure and point out, that Seth was often credited with questionable sexual interests.

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History of Christianity and homosexuality

SPLC-designated list of anti-LGBT U.S. hate groups

LGBT history in GermanyPersecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust)

The best known case of possible homosexuality in ancient Egypt is that of the two high officialsNyankh-Khnum and Khnum-hotep. Both men lived and served underduring the5th Dynasty(c. 24942345 BC).[1]Nyankh-Khnum and Khnum-hotep each had families of their own with children and wives, but when they died their families apparently decided to bury them together in one and the samemastabatomb. In this mastaba, several paintings depict both men embracing each other and touching their faces nose-on-nose. These depictions leave plenty of room for speculation, because in ancient Egypt thenose-on-nose touchingnormally represented a kiss.[1]

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender history

Sexual orientations Medicine, science and sexology

History of homosexualityHistory of Christianity and homosexualitySaints Sergius and BacchusLGBT in Islam)

Unlawfully killed transgender people

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