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Description:Bronze Spear Point, Mesopotamia

Historical Context:Ur was an ancient city in southern Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq), located near the mouth (at the time) of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers on the Persian Gulf and close to Eridu. It is considered to be one of the earliest known civilizations in world history.

Description:Mold made, Orange slip over terracotta

Historical Context:The Hittites(15th-12th. BC.): The Hittites, throughout the Old Kingdom, had a weak and decentralized administration.: Based on the earlier efforts, they reunited and established the Hittite Empire that shows an excellent central organization and made Hattusa (Bogazkoy) their capital city. In the 15th and 14thcen. BC., the Hittites enlarged their territories, to the Sea of Marmara in the west and towards the states along the Euphrates in the east, fighting against the Hurrians, Mitanni Empire and the barbarian Keskas of the Pontic region. They signed the first peace treaty CKadesh, 1,285 BC.) of the world history at the end of the war against the Egyptians, under the reign of Ramses II, for the control of Syria.

Simple Design with Usual Geometric Design

Historical Context:Daroma lamps were manufactured in Judaea after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, when the urban population, including artists and craftsmen, fled Jerusalem. These are the first decorated lamps made by Jews and intended for Jewish use. (Ref: Ken Baumheckel, 2006)

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Kassite region

Size:about 5.0 inches across widest point

2,200 to 1,500BC (Before Time of Moses),

11157Christian Pilgrims Token of the True Cross

Condition: VeryFine, Intact, Minor chipping, some staining

Elam appears in the Old Testament Table of Nations (Gen. 10.22), and an Elamite king whose name has comedown to us as Kedor-Laomer is mentioned in a later chapter of Genesis (14.1), as well.

Size:19 mm diameter (about diameter of a US Penny)

Special Features of this Short Sword

Condition:Very Fine, Some root marks, small chip, but, intact

Condition:Very Fine, small chip, but, intact

(Double click for enlarged photo)9827: Middle BRONZE AGE Cup

(Double click for enlarged photo)9573: Spear Point,

Size:about 82 mm (3 1/4 -inches) tip to tail

(Double click for enlarged photo)6771: Early BRONZE AGE Cup

Description:Open Cup style, Dark soiled coloring, Soot on tip

Simple Design with Usual Geometric Design

10018: Ancient Luristan (Eastern Mesopotamia)

Condition:Excellent – Please see the picture.

9650: Holyland Oil Lamp – 100BC to 50 AD,

Size:about 5.1 inches across widest point

Middle Elamite period, 1,200 to 800 BC

Historical Context:Ur was an ancient city in southern Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq), located near the mouth (at the time) of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers on the Persian Gulf and close to Eridu. It is considered to be one of the earliest known civilizations in world history.

Size:about 5.2 inches across widest point

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Description:Open Cup style, Dark soiled coloring

2,200 to 1,500BC (Before Time of Moses),

Historical Context:Cultures of Mesopotamia were diverse and variegated. Even in the period of great empires, beginning with the Akkadians, Mesopotamia consisted of largely independent city-states with their own cults (often completely different religions), languages, kings, and administrations. The earliest culture is the Sumerians (circa 3000 to 1800 BC), but other cultures developed, including the Akkadians (2450 to 1800 BC), the Amorites (1800 to 1530 BC), the Hittites (1600 to 717 BC), and the Assyrians (1170 to 612 BC).

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Condition: VeryFine, Intact, Minor chipping, some staining

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Saint Helena brought the cross to Jerusalem, where it stayed for three centuries.However, during the war between the Byzantine and Sassanian Empires in the 7th century A.D., The Sassanian king, Khsru II, sacked Jerusalem and carried off the True Cross as spoils of war.The Byzantine emperor Heraclius (610 – 641 A.D.) dedicated his life to the recovery of the cross. He amassed a large, powerful army with the primary goals of liberating Jerusalem and recovering the True Cross of Christ.

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

(Double click for enlarged photo)6260: Holyland Oil Lamp – 200 BC to 200 AD,

TheKassiteswere a Near-Eastern mountain tribe which migrated to the Zagros Mountains and Mesopotamia (present Doroud) in 3000 and 4000 BC. They spoke a non-Indo-European, non-Semitic language. They conquered Mesopotamia, bringing the Old Babylonian era to an end and for the first time welding together the network of independent, feuding city-states into a territory that can be called Babylonia. According to the conventionally used Middle Chronology, Kassite hegemony in Babylon, Nippur and other centers lasted from about 1595 to 1155 BC.

Historical Context:Similar to spear points fund in Israel dated to late Bronze Age (1,200 to 800 BC)

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Amlash, Iran region

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Description:Mold made, Orange slip over terracotta

8608: Spear Point, Mesopotamia / Luristan

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Syria – Israel region

10796: Ancient Luristan (Eastern Mesopotamia)

Historical Context:Cultures of Mesopotamia were diverse and variegated. Even in the period of great empires, beginning with the Akkadians, Mesopotamia consisted of largely independent city-states with their own cults (often completely different religions), languages, kings, and administrations. The earliest culture is the Sumerians (circa 3000 to 1800 BC), but other cultures developed, including the Akkadians (2450 to 1800 BC), the Amorites (1800 to 1530 BC), the Hittites (1600 to 717 BC), and the Assyrians (1170 to 612 BC).

Condition:Very Fine, Some root marks, small chip and crack, but, intact

Elam appears in the Old Testament Table of Nations (Gen. 10.22), and an Elamite king whose name has comedown to us as Kedor-Laomer is mentioned in a later chapter of Genesis (14.1), as well.

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Condition:Very Fine, Some root marks, small chip and crack, but, intact

Condition:Fine, Intact, broken off tang

Molded grip with Four Men Arm-to-Arm (See close-up picture)

2,200 to 1,500BC (Before Time of Moses),

(Double click for enlarged photo)8742: Roman Judaea Oil Lamp

Simple Design with Usual Geometric Design

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Socket Base

Oil lamps were filled with olive oil, wick inserted, and lit. These lamps were used by persons of all socio-economic groups. In addition, these lamps were also often buried with people as a ceremonial offering for the dead. This lamps were excavated in Bethlehem and Jerusalem and represent a wide swath of time and cultures, before and after the time of Jesus Christ, and during the Greek and Roman occupation periods.

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Condition:Overall excellent condition – Please see the pictures, Blade has number of minor bends, but, not bad and does not detract of excellent features and uniqueness of sword, Blade is somewhat loosely fit in handle.

(Double click for enlarged photo)ANCIENT HITTITES

9356: Early Christian Roman Judaea Oil Lamp

(Double click for enlarged photo)9297: Early BRONZE AGE Holyland Oil Lamp

Size:87mm (4 1/2-inches) tip to end of tang

Condition:Very Fine, Some root marks, few chips, but, intact

Post-Herodic Period,Daroma mold-made lamp

Size:about 2 3/4 inches length, tip to base

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Most lamps on this page were recently acquired Holyland oil lamps. These lamps were recently excavated in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. These were legally acquired and exported from our resource in Israel. The photo below is of the Customs bag these lamps came in

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Attribution:Hittite, 1400 to 1200 BC

Size:96mm (almost 4-inches) tip to end of tang

Content Copyright 2000, m (Ken Martins)

(Double click for enlarged photo)9154: Roman Judaea Oil Lamp

Circa 1,500 to 1,000 BC (Hittite Period)

Middle Elamite period, 1,200 to 800 BC

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Condition:VeryFine, Intact, some minor staining -No chipping

See additional photo below to better understand the size of this spear tip.

Historical Context:See above Historical Context (Ref Malloy Sale L, Item 1503)

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Size:3 3/4 inch tall, 2 3/4 diameter

Historical Context:The Kassites conquered Elam and Babylonia with this type of weapon and is considered one of the more attractive spear tips made in antiquitiy.

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

SOLD$699 plus shipping (add $80 for framing)

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Size:about 5.5 inches across widest point

Deuteronomy 7:1 When the Lord, your God, brings you into the land which you are entering to take possession of it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites……seven nations greater and mightier than yourselves.

2,200 to 1,500BC (Before Time of Moses),

9652: Holyland Oil Lamp – 100BC to 50 AD,

Condition:Fine, Intact, Some chipping, some staining

(Double click for enlarged photo)9830: Middle BRONZE AGE Cup

Condition:Very Fine, Intact, Marking on bottom (See photo)

Description:Open Cup style, Soot on tip

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Amlash, Iran region

(Double click for enlarged photo)9218: Spear Point,

Size:about 77 mm (3 1/8 inches) length, tip to base

Unusual Styling and Great Contrasting Colors !!

Elam appears in the Old Testament Table of Nations (Gen. 10.22), and an Elamite king whose name has comedown to us as Kedor-Laomer is mentioned in a later chapter of Genesis (14.1), as well.

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Amlash, Iran region

The third dynasty was established when the king Ur-Nammu (or Urnammu) came to power, ruling between ca. 2112 BC and 2094 BC. During his rule, temples, including the ziggurat, were built, and agriculture was improved through irrigation. His code of laws, theCode of Ur-Nammu(a fragment was identified in Istanbul in 1952) is one of the oldest such documents known, preceding the code of Hammurabi by 300 years.

Current Offerings — Holyland Antiquities

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Description:Mold made, Orange slip over terracotta

Size:85 mm (almost 3.5-inches) tip to end of tang

Size:180 mm (almost 7-inches) tip to end of tang

Size:about 2 3/4 inches length, tip to base

Heraclius succeeded and the cross was recovered and taken to Constantinople and then across Asia Minor, back to its final resting place at Jerusalem. As the cross was being taken back to Jerusalem, entire villages of people would line the streets as the cross continued its journey back to Jerusalem. A piece of the cross, which had broken off during the journey, was burned to fine ash and mixed with clay and impressed into molds to create special sacred clay medallions for pilgrims commemorating the return of the True Cross to Jerusalem. The small, unfired, terracotta medallion here is one of the very tokens that legend states that contain a small portion of the True Cross of Christ.

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Short Sword, Circa 1,500 to 900 BC(Hittite Period)

The third dynasty was established when the king Ur-Nammu (or Urnammu) came to power, ruling between ca. 2112 BC and 2094 BC. During his rule, temples, including the ziggurat, were built, and agriculture was improved through irrigation. His code of laws, theCode of Ur-Nammu(a fragment was identified in Istanbul in 1952) is one of the oldest such documents known, preceding the code of Hammurabi by 300 years.

7764: Hittite Spear Point, 1400 – 1200 BC

(Double click for enlarged photo)9829: Middle BRONZE AGE Cup

Photo of Side10226: Holyland Oil Lamp – 100BC to 50 AD,

Historical Context:See above Historical Context (Ref Malloy Sale L, Item 1503)

Historical Context:The Elamite Civilization started in the lowland Khuzestan about the late 4th and early 3rd millennia. Known as Elam, geographically, Elam included more than Khuzestan; it was a combination of the lowlands and the immediate highland areas to the north and east. Traditionally it was a federated governmental structure based an overlord ruling over vassal princes. In earliest times the overlord lived in Susa, which functioned as a federal capital.

2,200 to 1,500BC (Before Time of Moses),

Size:236 mm (almost 9 3/8-inches) tip to end of tang

(Double click for enlarged photo)9826: Middle BRONZE AGE Cup

Historical Context:See above Historical Context (Ref Malloy Sale L, Item 1503)

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Israel

Condition:Fine, Intact, Some chipping, some staining, one notable crack (stable)

(Double click for enlarged photo)9546: Early BRONZE AGE Holyland Oil Lamp

(Double click for enlarged photo)8036: Early IRON AGE Juglet

Condition:Intact, but, significant chipping at opening

Historical Context:The Elamite Civilization started in the lowland Khuzestan about the late 4th and early 3rd millennia. Known as Elam, geographically, Elam included more than Khuzestan; it was a combination of the lowlands and the immediate highland areas to the north and east. Traditionally it was a federated governmental structure based an overlord ruling over vassal princes. In earliest times the overlord lived in Susa, which functioned as a federal capital.

Duck-eyed on curves of hilt at attachment to blade (See close-up picture)

Socrates Scholasticus(born c. 380 A.D.), in hisEcclesiastical History,gives a full description of the discovery of the True Cross of Christ.In it, he describes how Empress Helena (later Saint Helena),mother of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor of Rome, travelled to the Holy Land, dated by modern historians in 326-28, on a quest to find the True Cross of Christ.It is reported that she discovered the hiding place of three crosses, believed to be used at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the two thieves.In Socratess version of the story, the Romans had the three crosses placed in turn on a deathly ill woman. This woman recovered at the touch of the third cross, which was taken as a sign that this was the True Cross of Christ.

(Double click for enlarged photo)8614: Spear Point,

Handle cap appears to be added later.Sold as a pastiche (combination of two objects).

Description:Open Cup style, Darker soiled coloring, Soot on tip, Brown glaze on top and bottom, Rolled rim

Condition:Generally nice – Please see the picture.

(Double click for enlarged photo)9828: Middle BRONZE AGE Cup

Historical Context:The region of Iran known as Luristan, consists of the upper valleys of the Zagros Mountain chain, bordered by Iraq to the west, by Burudjerd and Nahavand to the east, by Khuzestan (ancient Elam) to the south, and Kermanshah to the north. Luristan was more extensively settled in ancient times than it is today and used to be home to farming lands, which presently are no longer cultivated. Akkadian texts also mention the presence of Kassites, who were of Asiatic origin, in Luristan from the beginning of the second millennium B.C.. Various other tribes settled there at the end of the second millennium, and at the beginning of the first millennium B.C., these were followed by other tribes. The Assyrians commenced their military campaigns into the Zagros region beginning in the 9thcentury B.C. The Cimmerians and Scythians invaded the region in the 8thand 7thcenturies B.C., following a route running south of Lake Urumieh. Another wave of Iranian tribes occupied the area later.

Size:110 mm (almost 4 3/8-inches) tip to end of tang

Simple Design with Usual Geometric Design

Pay for your purchase by credit cards, personal check, or money orders

Historical Context:The Elamite Civilization started in the lowland Khuzestan about the late 4th and early 3rd millennia. Known as Elam, geographically, Elam included more than Khuzestan; it was a combination of the lowlands and the immediate highland areas to the north and east. Traditionally it was a federated governmental structure based an overlord ruling over vassal princes. In earliest times the overlord lived in Susa, which functioned as a federal capital.

Condition:Very Fine, Intact, Marking on bottom (See photo)

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Simple Design with Usual Geometric Design

Size:about 3 inches length, tip to base

ACertificate of Authenticitywill be provided for all antiquities, including a statement of providence noting the excavation areas.

Size:about 105 mm (about 4 1/4 inches) tip to tail

Size:about 4.9 inches across widest point

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Mesopotamia

Description:Open Cup style, Brown glazed Bottom, Soot on tip

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Short Sword, Circa 1200 BC( Hittite Period)

HOLYLAND – Bronze Age, 1,200 to 800 BC

Source code and object code Copyright 1998,Primecom Interactive, Inc.

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Middle Elamite period, 1,200 to 800 BC

Condition:Fine, Intact, Crack on handle, but, stable

Historical Context:Cultures of Mesopotamia were diverse and variegated. Even in the period of great empires, beginning with the Akkadians, Mesopotamia consisted of largely independent city-states with their own cults (often completely different religions), languages, kings, and administrations. The earliest culture is the Sumerians (circa 3000 to 1800 BC), but other cultures developed, including the Akkadians (2450 to 1800 BC), the Amorites (1800 to 1530 BC), the Hittites (1600 to 717 BC), and the Assyrians (1170 to 612 BC).

Historical Context:See above Historical Context

Description:Bronze Spear Point, Eastern Mesopotamia / Western Iranregion

(Double click for enlarged photo)6807: Holyland Oil Lamp – 100BC to 50 AD,

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