The Story of Osiris How the First Ruler of Egypt Became God of the Underworld

The Great Wall of Gorgan: Red Snake of Iran Saw Empires Rise and Civilizations Crumble

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An illogical and unwarranted assumption prevails today relating to the landing spot of Noahs ark. Peoplehighly educated peopleare sure that Noahs ark landed on the remote and inaccessible heights…

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained.

Thor is one of the most important gods in the Norse pantheon. Hes normally depicted as a middle-aged man with a red-beard wielding his famous weapon, a magical hammer known as Mjollnir…

The Great Wall of Gorgan: Red Snake of Iran Saw Empires Rise and Civilizations Crumble

Heimdall, Watchman of the Gods, Will Sound the Horn as Ragnarok Approaches

The Great Wall of Gorgan, also known as the Red Snake, is a defense system located in the northern Iranian province of Golestan. This defensive wall dates to the Sassanian period, and is believed…

Legends of The Sun: From Solar Gods to Flying Chariots

The Great Wall of Gorgan: Red Snake of Iran Saw Empires Rise and Civilizations Crumble

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Osiris was one of the most prominent gods in the ancient Egyptian pantheon. This prominent deity was a member of the Ennead (known also as the Great Ennead and the Ennead of Heliopolis), a group of nine Egyptian deities worshipped primarily in Heliopolis, but whose influence spread to the rest of Egypt as well. Osiris is best known for being the god of the Underworld, a role that enabled him to judge the dead. His dominion over the dead can be seen in the fact that this god is often depicted as a mummified figure. Other features of Osiris iconography point towards the different attributes of this ancient god.

Judgment in the Hall of Truth and Preparations for the Afterlife

Heimdall is a god in the Norse pantheon, most well-known for his task to announce the coming of Ragnarok by sounding his horn, which will be heard across all worlds. He is one of the better-known…

Arkaim: Aryans, Advanced Astronomy and Untold Secrets of a Russian Citadel

Wootz Steel: The Mysterious Metal that Was Used in Deadly Damascus Blades

Beginning with one of the earliest feline deities, Mafdet, the ancient Egyptian pantheon grew steadily as the years passed to include a wide range of creatures, both big and small furry and…

Previous Models of Ancient Populations in the Americas were Unrealistically Simple

Thor: How a Norse Warrior God of Thunder Handles a Predicament

The sacred symbol of the Djed pillar

Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. Health problems may occur for the unborn child of a mother with Rh-Negative blood when the baby is Rh-Positive.

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The Head of an Emperor, the Shrine of a God: Two Contrasting Finds at the Egyptian Sites of Luxor and Aswan

Recent discoveries at two of the major ancient sites in Egypt emphasize the diversity of culture and power that existed in the region over time. In Aswan, the head of a marble statue of the Roman…

A Step Closer to the Mysterious Origin of the Viking Sword Ulfberht

8 Ancient Chinese Inventions the West Had Not Imagined

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about The Head of an Emperor, the Shrine of a God: Two Contrasting Finds at the Egyptian Sites of Luxor and Aswan

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Australian Aboriginals – Creation Myth

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The ancient Egyptians believe that Osiris was the first ruler of Egypt, and that he brought civilization to the land. Agriculture, laws, religious institutions and culture were given to the people of Egypt by the god. His reign was a time of prosperity for the ancient Egyptians, and everyone was happy, except his brother Set, who was jealous, and grew resentful of Osiris success. Therefore, the jealous sibling plotted to get rid of Osiris.

The Construction of Venice, the Floating City

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The Cerveteri Necropolis, Etruscan City of the Dead

The secret life of an ancient concubine

about Thor: How a Norse Warrior God of Thunder Handles a Predicament

Wootz Steel: The Mysterious Metal that Was Used in Deadly Damascus Blades

Pick Your Poison: The AK-47 of the Ancient Near East

Thanks to scientific discoveries, we know for certain that life on Earth depends upon the sun. But long before scientists even discovered that our planet revolves around it, ancient cultures…

The Felines of Tutankhamun: Leopard Changes its Spots to turn Black Panther?Part I

Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations

about Heimdall, Watchman of the Gods, Will Sound the Horn as Ragnarok Approaches

Dog Days of Summer: The Rising of the Dog Star, Sirius

I am a university student doing a BA degree in Archaeology. My interests range from conventional to radical interpretations of the archaeological/textual/pictorial data set. I believe that intellectual engagement by advocates from both ends of the spectrum would serve to…Read More

Khajuraho: The Sexiest Temples in India

Australian Aboriginals – Creation Myth

Creation Myths Hold Hard Facts About Our Ancient Origins

8 Ancient Chinese Inventions the West Had Not Imagined

Thanks to scientific discoveries, we know for certain that life on Earth depends upon the sun. But long before scientists even discovered that our planet revolves around it, ancient cultures…

Legends of The Sun: From Solar Gods to Flying Chariots

Creation Myths Hold Hard Facts About Our Ancient Origins

about The Felines of Tutankhamun: Leopard Changes its Spots to turn Black Panther?Part I

As the ruler of Egypt, Osiris is depicted with the symbols of kingship, i.e. the Atef Crown, which is a combination of the Hedjet, the crown of Upper Egypt, and an ostrich feather on each side, the crook and flail, and a false beard.

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Titans Under the Earth: Evidence for The Tall Ones, and the Ancient Mounds of Pennsylvania

As the ruler of the Underworld, the god is depicted as being wrapped up from the chest downwards in mummy bandages. Another important feature of Osiris iconography is his skin color, which is either green or black. The former is the color of rebirth, whilst the latter symbolizes the fertility of the Nile Valley.

Australian Aboriginals – Creation Myth

6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding

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The Great Wall of Gorgan: Red Snake of Iran Saw Empires Rise and Civilizations Crumble

Eventually, Isis succeeded in finding and retrieving the body of her husband, and brought it back to Egypt. The goddess then sought to revive Osiris, but Set found out about his brothers return and cut his body up into many pieces, and scattered them all over Egypt. Isis managed to retrieve all of Osiris body parts except his penis, which had been eaten by an oxyrhyncus fish. Nevertheless, somehow Isis was able to revive her husband, and the god Horus was conceived during this time. Still, being incomplete, Osiris could no longer rule in the land of the living, and therefore became the ruler of the Underworld.

Beneath a Celestial Dome, A Land Unlike Any Other in the History of Earth. Questioning the Global Flood: Part I

Wootz steel was amongst the finest in the world. It is the metal that was used to fashion weapons such as the famous Damascus blades of the Middle Ages. However, Wootz steel dates back much further…

about Evidence that Noahs Ark Landed on a Mountain 17 Miles South of Ararat

Discovery of Lost Citadel May Prove the Existence of King David

After the Blessed Virgin Mary and her assorted shrines and grottoes, evangelical Catholics in Canada and United States flock to and draw inspiration from the North American Martyrs Shrines in Midland, Ontario and Auriesville, New York; where collectively six clerics and two `donne or lay people were killed, supposedly `in odium fidei (in hatred of the faith).

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Legends of The Sun: From Solar Gods to Flying Chariots

Tiny, 2,300-Year-Old Egyptian Mummy Believed to be a Hawk is Actually a Human Fetus

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The Great Wall of Gorgan, also known as the Red Snake, is a defense system located in the northern Iranian province of Golestan. This defensive wall dates to the Sassanian period, and is believed…

The cult of Osiris spread all over Egypt, and there are many instances in which other gods were absorbed by him. In Memphis during the Middle Kingdom, for example, Osiris merged with two local gods, Ptah and Sokar, and became Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. This ability to assimilate other gods also enabled the worship of Osiris to last all the way until the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Serapis, a Hellenistic god created by Ptolemy I Soter, was a combination of Osiris and the sacred bull of Memphis, Apis. The cult of Osiris eventually came to an end with the advent of Christianity, though some have pointed out similarities between the two religions.

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Osiris (left), Anubis and Horus, a wall painting from the tomb of Horemheb. (Image:CC BY 2.0)

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Egyptian Myths, 2014.Osiris.[Online]

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Set, an ancient Egyptian deity. Based on New Kingdom tomb paintings. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Top image: Osiris, Egyptian God of the Underworld (Public Domain)

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By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings.

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The Great Wall of Gorgan, also known as the Red Snake, is a defense system located in the northern Iranian province of Golestan. This defensive wall dates to the Sassanian period, and is believed…

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Osiris, Isis and Horus: pendant bearing the name of King Osorkon II (CC BY-SA 1.0)

The word Osiris is derived from the ancient Egyptian word Wsir, which may be translated to mean powerful or mighty. According to the Heliopolis creation myth, Atum was the first god to have existed as a result of self-creation. The god then proceeded to create the god Shu and the goddess Tefnut. The union of these two deities resulted in the birth of Geb and Nut. Finally, the offspring of Geb and Nut were Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys.

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Egyptian God Osiris featured in a frieze on a wall of tomb QV66, the burial place of Nefertari (c. 1295-1255 BC) (Public Domain)

Were the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives.

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The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe.

Osiris was the lord of the dead in the ancient Egyptian religion. Here, he is shown in typical mummy wrappings. Based on New Kingdom tomb paintings. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Wootz steel was amongst the finest in the world. It is the metal that was used to fashion weapons such as the famous Damascus blades of the Middle Ages. However, Wootz steel dates back much further…

Set had a beautiful coffin made that only Osiris could fit into, and then threw a feast. During the feast, Set announced that the coffin would be given to the person who fitted perfectly into it. One by one, Sets guests tried their luck, but none succeeded. Finally, Osiris climbed inside the coffin to see if it fitted him. Seizing this contrived opportunity, Set had the coffin sealed shut, and threw it, along with his brother, into the Nile. The waters of the Nile carried the coffin into the sea, and it finally came to rest in a tamarisk tree growing near Byblos in Phoenicia. Osiris remained there until he died.

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