What where the advantages of the location of ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptian Civilization was centered along the Nile River in the modern country of Egypt. It extended south from the Nile Delta for about 500 miles … However, its zone of influence extended into the Sudan to the South, West into the Libyan desert and East into the Arabian Peninsula.

The word comes from the ancient Greek version of the local name -the Greeks called it Aigyptos whichEnglish speakers much later anglicised to Egypt .

What are some ancient Egypt advantages disadvantages?

What were the advantages of the location of ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egypt is a time period a long time ago that took place inEgypt. And gets at least 4000 mm of rainfall.

Egypt was (and is) a country dominated by the Nile River. During ancient times, Egypt was divided, though not formally, into Upper and Lower regions, which had to do with the course of the Nile River. The Nile flows from south to north, and therefore the southern portion is higher in elevation, thus this was known as upper Egypt – lower Egypt was the area from around the Aswan cataracts to the delta north of Cairo. We here in the US sometimes have a hard time getting this, because most of our major rivers run NORTH to SOUTH (The Mississippi, the Hudson, etc) so we have trouble seeing a river that runs SOUTH to NORTH like the Nile.

Egypt extends from the Mediterranean Sea in eastern north Africa, and Nubia was a land to the south, in what is now northern Sudan.

What were the two regions of ancient Egypt and where were they located?

Why did ancient Egypt choose its location?

In ancient Egypt Khartoum was not the place it is today, in earlier years it was probably an trading out-post as it was at the confluence of the White and Blue Niles. There are a number of Egyptian tombs and ruins up and down the river side (as well as inland) surrounding Khartoum. Khartoum was founded in 1821 by Ibrahim Pasha, the ruler of Egypt in those days, and it was supposed to be an outpost for the Egyptian Army. Since 1956, when Sudan, a country situated south of Egypt, attained its independence, Khartoum became the capital of the new country.

I can mention few things like the seboo(baby shower) after 7 days of his birth. we make kahk in the feasts.(arounded small cookie covered with sugar and stuffed with dates,turkish delight,pistachio) we celebrate sham we neseem.after the easter by one day

When was Egypt known as ancient Egypt?

On which continents were ancient Kush Egypt and Canaan located?

Where were the fertile lands in ancient Egypt located?

Ancient Egypt held what is called the fertile crescent. With theyearly flooding of the Nile this area was a bread basket for thegrowth and production of food. Because this area could produce somuch it helped to make up for the rest of the mostly arid sandcovered land.

The city of Rome was located on the Tiber River so it had access tovaluable sea and trade routes. Rome was also built on a cluster ofhills that were of strategic defensive importance.

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Egypt was located near the nile so the nile gave Egypt annual flooding which made soil fertile.It also gave them water to drink,wash you name it. Egypt was called the gift of the nile because of that.Egypt would have been a desert if the nile wasnt there.

Is ancient Egypt the same size as Egypt?

Egypt occupies the northeastern corner of the African continent, and also is also a part of Asia with the Sinai Peninsula. It is also the bridge connecting Africa and the Middle East; the country itself is a North African nation and is a part of the Greater Middle East. It borders the Mediterranean and Red Seas and touches the countries of Libya, Sudan, and Israel. Egypt is located in northeastern Africa. The Mediterranean Seaborders it to the north, and the Red Sea borders it to the east.

First of all, theyre not kingdoms, and because the Nile flows from South to North, it makes sense

The influence and benefits of ancient Egypt and its culture are many and varied, and in all honesty I dont believe that anyone; academic or amateur could answer this question completely and definitively. Off the top of my head, we can thank the ancient Egyptians for: i) Mathematics/Geometry (think how the Pyramids were built). ii) Alcohol (evidence of the first ever beer has recently been discovered along with wine). iii) Astronomy (again, think about the Pyramids at Giza and how they align with Orion). iv) Astrology (evidence has been recovered of the zodiac signs tombs). v) Writing (although they may not have actually invented writing, they certainly aided its development). vi) Funeral Traditions (think embalming, the whole momentous funeral procession).

How did buildings in ancient Egypt influence ancient Egypt?

It depends upon what time period! There were several capitals over the millenniums, Luxor, Thiebs, to mention just two. Also Alexandria after Greek conquest. So you need a time period to get a specific answer.

What advantages did rome have in regard to its location in ancient times?

What was egyptations diet in ancient Egypt?

Egypt is located on the northeast region of the Africa. Look at the top of the African map. It is over Sudan and at the right side of Lybia.

How are modern Egypt and ancient Egypt alike?

When looking at a map one sees that Upper Egypt was located south of Lower Egypt For what reason did these ancient kingdoms receive their names?

The tombs of the ancient Egyptians were important to them because in their religious beliefs the soul was able to return to the body for a visit. That was why the tombs had all the material items of the deceased plus wall paintings depicting everyday life events. This would make the soul or ka feel comfortable. In our own time, the ancient tombs give us insight into the lives of the ancient Egyptians and enable us to study their craftsmanship and in some cases their philosophies.

Ancient Egypt is located in what country?

Egypt is the modern world of the country Egypt. Ancient Egypt is the old world of Egypt, Anicent Egypt was around BC. (Before Christ)

no, Ancient Egypt was bigger and extended further south. Also not all the area that Egypt took up was inhabated, as most people could not live further then a mile away from the Nile river. It was the source of water and trade.

The ancient Egyptians did many things including pottery, farming, irrigation and school work. The children that went to school were boys and only boys! Unless the childs family was very wealthy, the girls would learn at home and how to do things around the house. If the student was a very good student the teacher would transfer the student to an upper level where they can use actual papyrus scrolls to write on. Before then, they would have to write on broken pieces of clay pottery.

The known location of Ancient Egypt is Africa. It is left from the Red Rea, below the Mediterranean and right from the Nile river. The Egyptians never went onto the left side of the Nile because they thought that that was the side of the dead

It is the Eastern region of the Sahara Desert spanning 50,000 square kilometres of North Eastern Sudan between the Nile and the Red Sea

2 advantages of ancient Romes location?

Where was the location of ancient egypts capitol?

Was Kush located between ancient Egypt and the Kingdom of Axum?

Is the Nile river located in ancient Egypt?

I can only answer for the period of the First Dynasty, when dynastic traditions were first starting. Of course, little is known for certain about that period since the hieroglyphic forms were just developing and not nearly as much has been unearthed from those times as compared with later dynasties. From the very start, the early Kings (the word Pharaoh did not come about until later) understood that they needed noblemen to carry out various administrative tasks. Contrary to what many think, women, too, had legal rights and served as noblewomen to the King. In my novels such relationships between the noblemen in service to their King is central to the plots, as there was much intrigue as well as smoothly functioning aspects to the Royal Court.

They wanted the point of the pyramids to point to or align withtrue north. This is called astronomic alignment.

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Why did the people of Ancient Egypt settle in Egypt?

What relations did scribes in ancient Egypt have with their pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

Was Ancient Greece in Ancient Egypt?

The Ancient Egyptian Era started bout 3200-3150 BC. So Egypt is ancient for about 5000 years.

Where is ancient Egypt and Nubia located?

Would you like to merge this question into it?

What is the location of ancient Egypt?

The formal united kingdom of Egypt was created in 3150 BC by King Menes. This is about the time when historians refer to Egypt as ancient Egypt. However, during 2700-2200 BC, the Old Kingdom period is the first notable ancient Egyptian dynasty when man pyramids were built.

How does Egypt compare to ancient Egypt?

Is Egypt and ancient Egypt different things?

What where the advantages of the location of ancient Egypt?

What cities were located in ancient Egypt?

Was the ancient Egyptian empire located in Egypt?

How do people find out where ancient Egypt cities might be located?

Yes, the nile river is located in ancient egypt and its in the same place today.

The main negative aspect was that the people of the Nile valley which has always been the most densely populated area of Egypt were at the rivers mercy. The Nilometers which were set at regular intervals allowed those who lived down river warning if there was going to be a danger of flood. But nothing could could be done to reduce the height of river which every few years would sweep away houses,stock and leave behind death and the danger of disease from rotting carcasses of animals and the unfortunate people caught in its fury. Disease could also be carried by plagues of mosquitos in the time of inundation that carried the Malaria virus and Nile Valley fever. Parasitic worms that can hardly be seen but thrive in the water could cause premanant damage to the stomach and intestines if those who were infested. There was also the ever present danger of an attack by crocodiles or hippopotomi that once lived all along the Nile and in the delta tribuaries.Both could easily up turn a boat and tear a man in two with their powerful jaws.

one of its disadvantages are that trade is kind of difficult because they are surrounded by al of those deserts.

There were few advantages either side had, but it was mostly trading. Upper Egypt had access to the sea, and was able to trade with plenty of other nations. Lower Egypt, however, had acess to Nubia, which the primary source of slaves, ivory and other commodities for Egypt. Also, Upper Egypt had a more secluded location, which meant less enemies to fight from the border. Lower Egypt was situated next to multiple African enemies.

Ancient Egypt choose its location because invaders could not attack them for how far out they were, and even carrying supplies as water and food plus the weapons and armor would make the march to difficult going over the sand dunes with the blazing sun with all the weight.

Why is ancient and lower Egypt located in upper Egypt?

The earliest buildings along time before some of the advanced ones were very complex. These buildings were able to become more and more complex as time went on. This help Egypt become a more and more advanced civilization because once building was no longer an obstacle they could move onto other things.

No. The two terms refer to almost completely different regions and times, though the influence of what we call Ancient Greece certainly extended to portions of what had, at one time, been Ancient Egypt. Greece was not located in ancient Egypt. It is in southwestern Europe, across the Mediterranean Sea from Egypt in northern Africa. The ancient Greeks were among the first modern societies to study the ancient history of Egypt. Many of the translations of hieroglyphics are based on the Rosetta Stone, which had text written in both hieroglyphic form and in Ancient Greek.

Nubia was the name given to the land to the south of Egypt duringRoman times.

In ancient Egypt where is khartoum located?

Around the River Nile because silt was carried down and was clumpedin a pile. The ancient Egyptians thought of Egypt as being divided into twotypes of land, the black land and the red land. The black land was the fertile land on the banks of the Nile.The ancient Egyptians used this land for growing their crops. Thiswas the only land in ancient Egypt that could be farmed because alayer of rich, black silt was deposited there every year after theNile flooded. The red land was the barren desert that protected Egypt on twosides. These deserts separated ancient Egypt from neighboringcountries and invading armies. They also provided the ancientEgyptians with a source for precious metals and semi-preciousstones.

It was on a river delta which helped protect the inhabitants from attack It was on an important trading route and so the inhabitants of ancient Rome would use it as a stopping off point, It was a very fertile area as the river Tiber nourished the soil It was surrounded by hills to help fend off enemies

Answer The simple answer is that it doesnt. However, modern Britain has little in common with ancient Britain either. Of course, both countries claim their respective lands treasures such as the Sphinx (Egypt) or Stonehenge (Britain). If we contrast Britain with Egypt, the ancient word for a bird trap in Egypt, or skeet , is also the word used in England to describe a clay pigeon shooting range. The English word south is the same in ancient Egyptian – sut or sud . Such things are perhaps rare but they do show that ancient Egypt had connections with ancient Britain as the modern nations do. In fact, a century ago, Britain ruled or administered Egypt. So the answer is not so simple. It might therefore be easier to look at some aspects of modern Egypt that ancient Egypt did not have. Perhaps the most obvious contrast to compare is the religion of ancient and modern Egypt. Today, Islam, and to a lesser extent some Christianity, is the religion of Egypt. But Islam has only been significant in Egypt for 1400 years since Mohammad. Some Muslims will say that Islam means righteous so that many Egyptians well before Mohammad were also righteous and therefore Islamic. Does that mean the people who worshipped the many gods of ancient Egypt were righteous? In ancient Egypt, the sun god Ra was popular but across the Red Sea in Arabia, the moon was a god. That is because the Arabs lived their working lives at night to avoid the heat of the day so they worshipped the moon. But in Egypt, with its mighty river and cool shading trees, the sun was far less harsh and dramatic and much more popular as an object of reverence. Today, the moon is the main symbol on the flags of Muslim countries (but not Egypts). Egypt today probably has a much larger proportion of people who are not religious at all as their somewhat neutral flag suggests. The popular uprisings in Egypt stem from the problems of competing philosophical and religious ideas. This is something ancient and modern Egypt probably share. One of the great philosophical questions facing the Egyptians of 586 BC was the total routing, sacking, razing and near-total depopulation of ancient Israel by Nebuchadnezzar the Chaldean-Babylonian. Many people at the time believed the Seed of the Woman Programme, first announced in the Bible when Adam and Eve received Gods prophecy of the outcome of their disobedience in the Garden of Eden, had been abandoned after Israels demise in 586 BC. The Egyptian king at the time, Merneptah Baenre Meriamun Hotephirmaat, or Pharaoh Hophra of Jeremiah 44:30 in the Bible, recorded on a stone stele, Israels Seed is destroyed (or castrated); the Land razed (or shaved) to the ground. After Jesus of Nazareth was born (7-6 BC), many Egyptians repented and believed again in the Promise of the Seed after Jesus resurrection (30 AD). Thus much of Egypt became Christian between 30-650 AD. Then the Muslims conquered Egypt resulting in many Egyptians turning to Islam because of the corruption in the state church systems of the time. Mohammads reforms were often preferred over his revised theology. A parallel thing happened after Luther in Europe (1600 AD). But problems do not just exist in religions. The academics in the universities believe Merneptah ruled Egypt in 1210 BC when he was supposed to have written the Israel or Merneptah Stele. This contributor understands the Merneptah Stele is now on prominent display in the Cairo Museum in a similar fashion to the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum near the main entrance (although we stand to be corrected regarding the Cairo museum). However, that is perhaps the most interesting comparison between ancient and modern Egypt – their policy and attitude towards Israel their neighbour across (as Australians and New Zealanders say) the ditch (Reed Sea, Red Sea, Suez Canal). Israel and Egypt, such close neighbours, their histories so closely entwined, according to the Bible. Yet modern historians say the Merneptah Stele is the only or first reference in ancient Egyptian literature to the Jewish nation whose history is so carefully outlined in the Bible. In modern Egypt, Israel is in the news lots of times. Apparently, according to Egyptologists and historians, the opposite was the case. And there lies a big tale. By not knowing what Egypts history really was, as that conundrum must surely attest, it is almost impossible to answer this question. But it is an important question and if the answer were properly and thoroughly canvassed we might actually learn something. Probably, many people will be rather shocked to say the least. *but not Egypts

What relationship did scribes in ancient Egypt have with their pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

In ancient Egypt why was is important to locate true north?

What advantages does Lower Egypt have to Upper Egypt?

Giza was located on the west shore of the nile river along withsa电话ara were located in lower Egypt. Memphis was also located inlower Egypt also but on the east side of the nile. Thebes waslocated in upper Egypt on the east side of the Nile river.

Where is the Nubian Desert located on a map of Ancient Egypt?

Why is ancient Egypt called ancient Egypt?

bread, wine, water, meat, and more to discover at also yam, figs and other sweeter foods were Incorporated in wealthier families. There was a large dependency on where one lived, and if one was located near the Nile, as most Egyptians were farmers, so if they lived nearer to central Egypt, there food would be both more plentiful and bountiful

There were things called Royal Scribes that were the pharoahs personal scribe (if they were the top royal scribe;there were many). But there were also many scribes that had nothing to do with the government of Ancient Egypt.

Why are the tombs in ancient Egypt such an important part of ancient Egypt?

Canaan was located in the Middle East, Kush was located in northenSudan (Africa), and Egypt is in Affrica (just north of Sudan)

What relationship did noblemen in ancient Egypt have with their pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

Where is ancient Egypt located in the map?

Ancient Egypt was located in North Africa, along the top part ofthe Nile River (NILE DELTA) in the present day country of Egypt.

ancient Egypt is located in north east Africa. Egypt itself is a country its current borders are not much different from those in ancient times

There was no such special oracle. The high priest was said to know the future though.

Yes, but its borders once extended far north into Turkey and far south into Sudan.

They look for artifacts (pots, bowls, tools, clothing) on and in the ground. Also they look at structures and tablets they find from when Mesopotamia tried to take over the land by Egypt. They can look at the land and rivers also.

Where are ancient Egypt and Nubia located?

About the Ancient Oracle in Ancient Egypt?

What are the advantages and disadvantages for trade in ancient Egypt?

Nomads settled in Egypt because of the rich fertile soil, caused by the annual floods of the Nile River. It was also easily protected, not easily invaded. Settlers arrived in the southern portion of the Nile delta some 6-7 thousand years ago, approximately 4500 B.C. It is assumed that these were nomadic tribes, similar to the Bedouin, that had wandered for miles seeking fertile land. The Nile, not only a provider of water and food, but also a means of transportation, instantly became a haven for all desert tribes in the area. Its rich resources were the foundation of an ancient religion and a powerful empire. Egypt was composed of two kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt. Upper Egypts pharaoh wore the White Crown while Lower Egypts pharaoh wore the red. After the unification of the two kingdoms, the crowns were joined as one, and all depictions after this period show not only the pharaohs but also the gods such as Osiris and Anubis wearing the combined crown. Ancient Egypts pharaoh held his capitol in Thebes, the ancient name for Luxor. Modern Egypts capitol is Cairo, approximately 500 miles north of Luxor situated near the Nile Delta and the Giza Plateau, where the pyramids are. Because they could grow their crops with the Nile Rivers help, and because they were able to built canals and boats there. What is now called Egypt was founded as a colony by Nubians, led by Asar, Egypts first ruler, whom the ancient Greeks later called Osiris. After death he was deified and became a god. He was part of the historys first holy trinity featuring Aset and Heru, whom the Ancient Greeks later called Isis and Horus. Exploration was the reason these Nubians settled in what is now Egypt.

The Nile River flowed north to south,and the Egyptians had no way of telling which way was north, south etc. So based on the river, -North = Lower -South =Upper

Scribes were the only people besides priests that could write in hieroglyphics. When Pharaohs wanted to write something, they would hire a scribe to write in hieroglyphics for them.

The kingdom of Kush was located south of Egypt in present-day Sudan, and Axum was farther south in Ethiopia. The Kush kingdom ruled Egypt from around 727 BC to 653 BC. (see the related map link)

.It is the spring feast where we eat salted fish,herring,eggd,grenn vegetables,colour the eggs. and many other things.

they lived by the Nile river. The Nile River contained a lot of minerals used for building. It also provided a way for transportation of goods to flow to upper Egypt. Egypt also had a natural protection from invaders. The deserts and cataracts made it almost impossible to attack Egypt.

How did the location of Egypt effect Egypt?

1. Egypt is a country in northern Africa, extending south from theMediterranean Sea. Its capital city, Cairo, is near 30N latitude,31E longitude. 2. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, havingdeveloped along the Nile River, which flows northward through thecenter of the country, reaching the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt islocated in northeast Africa. 3. Egypt is bordered to the north by the Mediterranean Sea, to thesouth by Sudan, to the west by Libya and to the east (in the Sinai)by Israel and the Red Sea. 4. Egypt is the location of the Great Pyramid (and two othersnearby) and the Sphinx.Egypt is located in northeast Africa. It covers 386,650 square miles. It is bordered on the west by Libya, on the south by Sudan, and on the east by Israel. Egypt is on the north-east corner of Africa, bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north.

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